If you’re seeking your dream job, but feel you don’t have (or maybe have been told) the right experience, keep reading. While we here at Building Team Solutions help our clients realize what positions are the best matches for their skillset, we are always encouraging growth through career counseling and additional training.
In the meantime, here are 3 ways to land a job without experience;
1. Volunteer. Yes, volunteer. If there are no volunteer positions available, or have ever been created, for the job you want- ask.
2. Play leap frog. Consider a job within the job you want. Maybe you want to be a marketing executive. Well, you have to start somewhere. Without experience, consider even a Gal Friday position within a marketing company. You will gain experience, get paid and get to know the ins and outs of all aspects related to the position. Plus, there is always room to grow!
3. Seek out a mentor to help you network the skills you do have. Don’t focus on what you are lacking. Focus on where you can improve. Get together with a mentor in the field, ask to attend marketing events and have the mentor make introductions. You never know who you will end up speaking with.