January 1st of 2014 is the official launch date of the Affordable Care Act (#ACA). However, October 1st is when a major provision of the Act becomes law. You need to have both these dates marked on your calender regardless if you’re an employee or an employer.

Here’s why;

On 10/01/2013 employers will be required to hand a special notice to new employees about health care and their rights. Here is the link to the official notice: http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/newsroom/tr13-02.html

The ACA is complicated. Many business owners are starting to wonder if the law itself applies to their businesses and what parts apply and don’t. Well, the law will apply and while aspects are complicated- it is your responsibility to know the law so you don’t break it.

Kronos is sharing a free linked webinar titled ‘Pay or Play’, which helps companies determine what portions of the law apply to them and how to control costs. You can check it out by clicking here: http://www.kronos.com/showAbstract.aspx?id=12884902759&rr=1&sp=n&LangType=1033&ecid=ABEA-56QT5S

And regardless if you use Kronos or not, the company wants you to have access to its free eBook on the subject. You can download it here: http://www.kronos.com/showAbstract.aspx?id=27917287413&rr=1&sp=n&LangType=1033&ecid=ABEA-9DK99Q Kronos is sending these free materials to all HR blogs because a staggering 13% of companies don’t know how to share crucical information about the ACA with employees. Additionally, these companies don’t have the knowledge needed to implement provision one of the ACA in less than a month!

The Small Business Administration is also hosting a FREE webinar on 09/26/13. You can sign up and find more details here: http://www.sba.gov/community/blogs/affordable-care-act-101-weekly-webinar-series

While I wish this blog had a snapshot of all the ACA answers, we don’t. Each business is different and it is up to you to identify what parts of the law will impact your specific business. Use the resources we provided and you will have a head start in the right direction.

Britanie Olvera, CEO of Building Team Solutions