I am often asked about construction jobs and that industry as a whole. As the CEO of a staffing firm I understand the curiosity. Sometimes, however, I feel people are not asking me a question as much as they are trying to point out that my business is taking a serious risk with this market. The construction industry is making a huge comeback. It hasn’t been 2008 for a while. The perception that there is not construction work available is simply wrong!

According to one report, “Today, the US construction industry has 5.5 million employees.”  This number is rapidly growing. I don’t want people to ask me about the construction industry with a raised eyebrow. The construction industry is back and booming. In fact, according to the Professional Builder’s 2012 Housing Giants Rankings , the top 225 US Home Builders accounted for only 19% or $48.6 billion in annual income last year alone. Think about that. That’s billion with a B!

I’ve read report upon report about home construction vs. commercial construction.  Let me tell you as an industry insider, there is a need for construction workers (in all positions) nationwide. You just need to know where to look (starting with us, of course) and what qualifications to have. There is an ongoing debate on how construction workers with experience should be hired over those with certificates and degrees. Really, if you have both- there isn’t a need to worry. If you have one and not the other- start working on getting either that certificate or the experience through an apprenticeship.

Several construction firms come to me to help them find specific talent or even new talent.  If you know someone who wants to get into the construction industry and who also needs guidance  contact me! If you’re a construction firm looking for great talent with diverse backgrounds- contact me.

Yes, I am a cheerleader for the construction industry. I believe in an honest, hard day’s work. I believe in our Country’s ability to bounce back. After all, we’ve been doing it for the past four years.