I can’t say how much happiness at work means to people.  We all spend a lot of hours at work, sometimes more time then we spend with our own families. So, it is my belief that you should be happy while at work. We are all going to have bad days- but you should have more positive days than negative ones.

Someone recently asked me how I can remain so upbeat at work- especially with all of my responsibility. Well, there are some things I do to stay happy. The first thing I do is put blinders on. That’s right, like a race horse. I don’t want to spend hours comparing myself as a CEO or my business to that of others. I have to run my own race. Comparing work styles, success and operating policies will get me no where.  So, I do what I feel needs to be done and it helps keep me happy and my eyes focused only on my goals.

I also try to not over commit myself. Most people who are extremely stressed are also spread to thin. Yes, I want tons of business. However, if I know the quality of my work will suffer and I will be crabby day-in and day-out, I decline it.  I want to be happy and focused. My clients want me this way, too.

Finally, I stay away from any office or industry gossip. That stuff isn’t good for anyone.  I don’t listen to it and I don’t partake in it. If I can’t say something nice about someone, I don’t. It helps keep my reputation away from the muddy under belly of business and I feel better about myself.

We all have a job to do.  Nothing in this life is free. So, why not stay positive about where you are at in life and where you can be headed?

Until next time,

Britanie Olvera