Author Britanie

Obamacare – 3 Easy Ways to Navigate It

Uh oh, it’s almost Thanksgiving. Are you ready for the Obamacare deadlines? You should be, one has already passed! If you’re like many HR specialist and business owners who are turned around by Obamacare, don’t panic. I’ve come up with three easy tips to help you navigate Obamacare for your company. 1. You can afford to offer healthcare. Don’t think you’re going to be so heavily taxed that the penalties are a better option. If you have less than 25 full-time employees, you can actually get a tax credit for… Read more

3 Great Tips for Seasonal Work

You are already working or you’re seeking seasonal work until you can find full-time work. Where do you start and what should you do? Well, we here at Building Team Solutions put together our top three tips for finding seasonal work. 1. What are you doing staring at the computer? People are already employed for seasonal work. But, there is still time! Don’t let Thanksgiving week be an excuse for not applying for seasonal jobs. Instead, apply in person and right away. You could apply for a job in retail… Read more

Delegating. It’s the Letting Go Part That’s Hard!

Here’s an issue I run into every once in a blue moon- a business owner who refuses to delegate but wants to hire someone. Yes, there are people out there who know they need help but can’t let go of their control issues. Listen, in business you’re going to have to hire. In fact, the need to hire means you’re growing- a very good thing. But you can’t do it on your own. You will need a great support team behind you. If you’re having trouble delegating work and responsibility,… Read more

What NOT to Say at Work.

Let’s say you landed your dream job. You’re having trouble fitting in with the culture. It seems no matter what you say, other employees (or worse, bosses) are taking your words out of content. Here are a few tips to fit in better and keep you from saying the wrong thing. First, don’t interrupt someone who is talking too much. If you start explaining an idea, or anything for the matter, and someone runs over you and talks, and talks, and talks, and …… simply wait for the person to… Read more

The Holiday Bonus

By now, many companies know what they can and can’t do for holiday bonuses. But are you giving out holiday bonuses only because it is the holiday season? You don’t have to give a bonus simply because it is expected. In fact, it defeats the purpose of it being an actual “bonus.” So, when should you hand out a bonus (or not hand one out)? First, check out this Tower survey. Many companies admitted to giving out bonuses when employees didn’t deserve them. Why!!!!! This money can be better spent… Read more

Progress, A Powerful Motivator

Do you event wonder why some people seem to always get promoted? Consider the term progress. Several studies are finding financial benefits, while appreciated, are not always the top motivator to finding qualified candidates or jobs. Progress is becoming more and more of a factor for employees seeking a career versus a job and for candidates seeking great employees who are motivated by success, not just money. One study out of Maine recently compared employment progress to simple task progress and I agree. If you have a to-do list for… Read more

Hiring, Ignore the Obvious

There is a new trend involved with the hiring process. What is it? Ignoring the obvious. Yes, deciding to ignore the obvious things that make a candidate great or a job description complete can help you find a better hire. Here’s why; First, job descriptions and titles set limitations on both you as the employer and the employee. Stating someone is the “manager” means that is all they can do… Instead, giving titles like “part of customer team solutions” opens up the ability for your team members to take charge,… Read more

Slackers – They’re Not Looking for Work

Here is my Friday story for you. I came across a business owner who was afraid to hire a much needed Guy Friday for his construction office. He was afraid he would pay a slacker, not a go-getter. While not everyone has the same work ethic as go-getters, this doesn’t mean employees in general are slackers. We ended up having a real nice conversation and this business owner was stuck on a story from earlier in the year. He kept sighting the surfer dude in California named Jason used food… Read more

The Benefits of Remote Jobs

A recent article cited how government employees, while not happy with their jobs, are in love with the idea of remote working. In fact, they are considering staying with their employers longer because of the option to work from a remote location. Here is the full article: As an employer or employee would you consider working remotely? For me, this decision depends on the company, type of company and then learning and engagement levels of the employee. The answer is not yes or no or black or white. This is… Read more

Top 3 Resumes Lies

I had an interesting conversation with a client the other day. He said lying on a resume is outdated since we have social media. Basically, he implied this practice is over and done with. While I wish I could agree, there are still those who try to stretch the truth when applying for a job. So, how do you tell when a potential candidate isn’t being 100% honest? First, ask for transcripts. One of the worst and most common lies on resumes are college GPAs. Not many people are lying… Read more