
Career Planning & Retirement Planning Are the Same Thing!

When you think of planning for your career and then your retirement the two items being the same usually don’t equate. However, they are pretty much the same thing and require the same planning. Here’s why; According to a recent article on, “Research shows that compared to baby boomers, generations X Y, and Z (also known as Millennials) are motivated less by money and more by a desire for work-life balance and finding meaning in their work. If you fall into one of these groups, it’s likely you will… Read more

Electrical Contracting, Yes…. It’s Here!

Two years ago I read an interesting article. I can’t remember the paper’s name, but basically it said electrical contracting would be a big industry within the next five years. At the time I thought the industry would grow, but I never expected the boom that I am seeing in today’s employment market! Electrical contracting is changing names. It has been since we all started to go “green”. Now, electrical contracting is officially being referred to as energy contractor or energy engineer. The “green” impact really equates to a revival… Read more

Power Structures at Work.

There are always going to be different power structures in the work place. It doesn’t matter WHAT industry you are in. The best way to navigate a work place’s inner power structure is to recognize  what type it is! We listed the top power structure at work to help you navigate the waters going forward. #1: Connection power is based upon who you know.  This person knows, and has the ear of, other powerful people within the organization. #2: Legitimate power. This comes from the position a person holds.  This… Read more

Hiring Veterans

I don’t know why so many people take an issue with hiring Veterans. I never understood why Veterans have to have a special place for employment advocacy in the media. Veterans make great employees.  They’re prompt, responsible, they know how to handle and resolve conflict, and they’re self-starters. You don’t have to micro manage Veterans. This said, I found it puzzling the San Diego Voice had to promote an article reflecting the $5 million dollars set aside to help companies hire Veterans. Why? Veterans should always be provided with extra… Read more

3 Ways to Fail In Business (and life)!

I recently read another business leader’s blog about how you can have it all in business and lack in your personal life. While this might be true, chances are that your trains in business leak into your personal life and visa versa. It doesn’t matter if you spend 80 hours at work or 80 hours at home, if you possess any of the following traits- you’re bound for failure. Don’t worry. You can change. You can improve your life in any area (relationships, business, job searches, weight loss, etc.), so … Read more

How to Inspire People.

Inspiration can come in any form. Being inspired is a great feeling. You get up, zip through your day- you’re focused on a goal. But, inspiration can be tricky. The passion can dwindle.  I’ve found the following works for me when inspiring my employees. After all  inspired employees are more creative and produce greater results. I like to inspire by hosting a meeting. Yes, a meeting. I like bringing in a lunch for everyone on my team and setting aside the formalities of our office. I like to discuss my… Read more

Job Search Sins…. Are You Committing One?

No matter what field you work in, our digital and social media culture has an eye on you.  Privacy settings mean something, but they don’t really protect a potential or current employer from forming a wrong opinion about you! Regardless if you use social media or not, the Internet is allowing friends of friends and relatives to post information about you on their own social media accounts. This information can make or break a job- even if you aren’t applying for it online! We decided to share the top 5… Read more

An Industry Under Construction!

I am often asked about construction jobs and that industry as a whole. As the CEO of a staffing firm I understand the curiosity. Sometimes, however, I feel people are not asking me a question as much as they are trying to point out that my business is taking a serious risk with this market. The construction industry is making a huge comeback. It hasn’t been 2008 for a while. The perception that there is not construction work available is simply wrong! According to one report, “Today, the US construction… Read more

How Do You Wake Up?

If you’re looking for a job or looking to hire, being your best is important. People often say that their days “just get away” from them. This can happen. But there are ways to be more productive in the morning. It does require effort. You will have to adjust your routine, but in the end it is well worth it. Start with one important thing first. Many people spend their mornings getting tied up with emails. Don’t answer your emails first thing. Instead, start your day accomplishing one important task.… Read more

Are Your Employees Stale?

I once heard someone say that employees have an expiration date. I couldn’t believe it. The thinking itself is stupid. Not to sound too harsh, but great employees should help a company grow. Employers who think employees have an expiration date, especially when it comes to productivity and creativity (as that someone was referring to). obviously don’t realize this statement is a poor reflection on the employer – not the employee! If you feel your employees are going stale then ask them why. “What do YOU think we are doing… Read more