
Turning Down A Job.

As a staffing firm, we wish we could tell you that every aspect of the HR process is nothing but rainbows and sunshine. However, sometimes it is not. There are times that an offer of employment may look appealing when, in reality, it isn’t. You can turn down a job offer. We decided to publish the top three reasons to walk away from a job offer and continue your search. Here we go….. #1.  The situation seems to good to be true.  Even people who love their careers will tell… Read more

Attitude vs. Skill- which is more important when hiring?

You might want to think before you answer. Or better yet, when you examine the last 5 hires your company or you made, which took precedence; Skill or Attitude? One might want to watch the previous TED TALK about our country’s  education  system nightmare to understand this one.  (Yes there is a correlation here, follow me on this one).  IN the TED talk, which aired on PBS last week, presenters discuss failing education system which teaches to a standardized test, so we teach kids to memorize in order to… Read more

Are You Happy At Work?

I can’t say how much happiness at work means to people.  We all spend a lot of hours at work, sometimes more time then we spend with our own families. So, it is my belief that you should be happy while at work. We are all going to have bad days- but you should have more positive days than negative ones. Someone recently asked me how I can remain so upbeat at work- especially with all of my responsibility. Well, there are some things I do to stay happy. The… Read more

Are You Stuck?

People can get frustrated with their careers.  There comes a point in everyone’s life where they feel stuck. If you’re feeling this way know that you’re not alone. Let’s be honest, we all have to try out different jobs at one point in our lives. It is rare to find someone who has been at the same job, with the same company, for 30+ years.  The trick is knowing when you are feeling stuck versus when you are really not a great match for a specific career. Loosing interest in… Read more

Construction Insurance… Are You Protected?

I am always looking to help out my clients. I recently was asked if having employee insurance and state-required insurance policies are enough in the case of an on-the-job construction accident. Savvy business owners know they have to protect both their employees and their company.  Construction insurance is vital. But, do you know how to purchase it? I did some research on the topic to help answer the question and I thought I would share the information. I learned that employers can save money by really investigating what type of… Read more

The Power of A Construction Degree.

The topic of a construction degree can start quite the heated debate. It seems you’re either #TeamDegree or #TeamExperience. While there isn’t a right or wrong side of the fence to be on when it comes to this debate, you should be informed as to what the pros and cons of each side are. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2011-2012 Occupational Outlook Handbook, employment of construction managers is projected to increase by 17 percent, faster than average for all occupations.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics also states that… Read more

Constructing Human Resources

When I started Building Team Solutions my main goal was to provide great employers with a resources for qualified and capable employees.  As I have come to learn, construction companies and trade firms are always in need for employees who are willing to work safely and who have valued experience (or a willingness to learn and get licensed). We provide assistance with employment. But what if you need to take care of certain housekeeping items internally? I’ve compiled a list of some of the services Building Team Solutions provides, but… Read more

Ways To Make Employees Quit!

Building Team Solutions is about connecting qualified people with the right employer. Our blog always is offering tips on how to reward employees, find great employees, and so forth. But, what about your turnover rate- do you find yourself constantly seeking new employees? If so, why? It’s time for us to help you address a difficult topic. If you’re treating all your employees the same, your not doing right by your company.  Why should one employee strive to produce more than another when the results and treatment by you will… Read more

Your Company’s Public Image – Employees DO Play A Role.

As a CEO, I am responsible for the public image of my company. It takes years to develop a brand within any industry. With trade professions, reputation is everything. How a business is perceived can make or break a bid. This brings me to my next point. The work environment that you create will affect your company’s public image. A cut-throat culture will have employees fighting with each other  stressed out beyond believe, and not exactly operating with a moral compass leading the way. However, companies who take pride in… Read more

Motivating Construction Workers.

The key to developing a great team of construction workers is motivation. It is hard enough to find the most qualified people who are also a right match for your company’s culture. Once you do hire the best matches for your company, the challenge becomes keeping your employees engaged. This is true for the construction industry- as it is for any business! recently cited, “People have different life experiences, backgrounds, beliefs, needs, goals and personal pressures. Most people don’t think the same as you do. (They have different personalities… Read more