
CEO Taxes. Are you ready for April 15th?

Tax day is tomorrow. If you’re dreading this day then chances are you owe taxes.  As a CEO, our tax rate really is nothing to complain about when compared to individual and other tax rates. The rate is so low that CEOs tend to make more than their actual companies- that is on a large, Wall street level. An article from The Hill recently cited, “A prominent lobby group for chief executives is launching a campaign to build public support for reducing the corporate rate to 25 percent and limiting… Read more

Are You A Great Employer?

Many people would agree that Bill Gates is a great employer. But what makes him a great? Can you tell if you’re a great employer or not? Well, I have some tips to help you understand what aspects make someone a fantastic employer. They’re listed below. #1.  Know people are working for something other then a payday. Most people don’t just have a job to get by. Many people are seeking out opportunities and know that they have to start somewhere. If you continuously promote from within then you are… Read more

Leadership Burnout- What To Do!

If you’re a leader the chances for burnout are great. We all wish we could be a super hero, but burnout does occur. I’ve complied some great tips as to how to avoid Leadership Burnout. Step 1:  Talk with your peers. Set some time aside to have coffee with another leader. Discussing the feeling of burnout can offer you the chance to hear someone else’s perspective as to what is really going on with your schedule or any other underlining issues. Step 2. Make a change. A small and simple… Read more

We’re At Women’s Business Council Southwest!

Our company is attending  Women’s Business Council Southwest in Dallas, Texas. The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) provides the most widely recognized and respected certification in the United States for women’s business enterprises (WBE).  Incorporated as a not-for-profit organization, the mission of the Council was to provide and increase mutually beneficial procurement opportunities for women-owned businesses in corporate, government and institutional arenas, focusing on the north Texas area. We are proud to be WBENC certified and a part of this event. Many people don’t understand that there still is… Read more

Can You Lead?

I’ve discovered two types of people.  They are leaders and followers.  There is no in between. People don’t want to lead, they just do it. I’ve been amazed to read about all these leadership classes available online, in schools and within employment training programs. Leadership is like the ability to sing, you’re just born with it.  This said, CEOs tend to have different styles- but they all know how to lead! Are you a leader? Here is how to tell; You know how to identify a need for change.  In… Read more

When Hiring A Construction Worker…..

Hiring someone can be a gamble. You have to screen the person, make sure his or her resume can be verified and hope that the person is really reliable.  Building Team Solutions helps minimize the risk for employers. But, to be safe, we are listing a few tips to ensure you final employee selection truly works outs. #1. Know how to title the position you are hiring for.  Many people post the wrong job title and then don’t understand why they can’t find the right employee for the job. When… Read more

Make An Impression!

We post many construction jobs. We connect several applicants with the right company. While we act as the vessel to help many people transition jobs, Building Team Solutions can’t do it all.  Once you have landed a new job know that it is solely up to you to keep it.  Here are some tips for making a great impression with a new employer. #1.  Do your research. Having knowledge of company culture, from tiny details to overall attitudes and politics, is key. You might be asked about your opinion on… Read more

Construction Jobs Are Growing. Are You?

As a CEO, I am constantly growing. I learn new things, willing or not, on a daily basis. My goal is to help people find jobs that will last more than a year or so. I also try to help my business clientele find employees that are reliable and willing to work. The construction industry quickly became stale in 2008. The economy came to a stand-still and many jobs were lost, including administrative positions at construction companies. While some business owners and executives decided to ride the rough waves, others… Read more

Constructing A Construction Career!

If you’re considering making construction your career, know that you are in for a rewarding adventure. There are many types of job in the construction field. In fact, CNN recently named Construction Estimator as one of America’s most “booming” careers right now.  Jobs for Construction Estimators rose last year by 10% with a median pay of 68k. Construction jobs are divided into two basic areas. Manual labor and managerial positions. If you’re seeking to start a career in construction  you should start looking at the manual labor positions. According to… Read more

Why in business CEOs need to not KEO .

KEO: Know Everything Ordinarily Acronyms are so easy to come up with, so let’s add one more to our every growing list. Besides its less to type with your thumbs. Since most of us seem to be doing more thumb typing these days than talking or being at our office computer. Does anyone even have a desktop anymore? Knowing everything might seem ideal, especially for a leader. One might think that if you know it all, and always have an answer, then you garner respect and admiration from those around… Read more