
Keeping An Employee- It’s Harder Than You Think

Hiring can be a challenge. People have different qualifications, backgrounds and schedules. Pay can be an issue, too. Find the right employee and then keeping him or her often feels like a full-time job. Here are my tips, as the CEO of an employment firm, to keep long-term employees. #1. Be detailed orientated. Employees don’t like when the directions or general expectations are unclear. Happy employees are long-term employees. If you set aside time to discuss long-term goals and expectations with an employee, he or she is likely to conform… Read more

How to Land A Job- 101

You found a job opening. You apply. You get the call to come in for an interview. You show up and there are at least twenty other people there for the same job. The challenge? Convincing the boss to hire you and not anyone else. Here’s how! First, know how to sell yourself. Today’s market isn’t about being modestly competitive. You have to be aggressive. Be friendly, concise and play up all of your best attributes. Next become familiar with social media tools, especially LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+, to showcase… Read more

Resume Red Flags- They’re Out There!

Knowing what to look for when hiring an employee is a job within itself. There are specific red flags employers should be looking for when scanning a resume. Lack of detail following a job description is a major read flag. Potential employees are often eager to tell employers about all he or she did at their last employer. Lack of detail sends a message that either the job title is exaggerated or the employee truly didn’t workout within the position. Employers should also look for unexplained gaps in employment. Anything… Read more

Don’t Give A Raise; Handout Happiness!

As A CEO I learned one tried and true thing- money doesn’t solve your problems and it will not make employees happier or more loyal. I always stress business owners should consider rewarding employees weekly, not yearly. And I don’t think money should always be the reward. Here’s why; Employees make mistakes. CEOs make mistakes. However, little mistakes are often forgotten by the time an annual review rolls around. I try to make a habit of immediately correcting and then forgiving. I believe in second chances. A simple correction and… Read more

When Your Previous Job Is Holding You Back.

For whatever reason you may have left your prior job, the answer as to why the separation occurred can be holding you back from obtain future work. Let me stress YOUR answer, and not the actual reason, why you left your prior employer can be the root of the problem. When you’re asked why you quit or were fired from a job remember to keep the answer simple. Don’t get into the details. Don’t do any bad mouthing and don’t act as if your life ended when your job did.… Read more

Staying Stress Free When You’re A Busy Bee!

It doesn’t matter if you are a clerk, deliver the mail, run a Fortune 500 company or are a serial entrepreneur – stress can impact your health and stop the creative juices from flowing when it comes to working or even finding a job. But how do you stay stress free? I can help! Start with an outline of the day. Don’t put times next to the tasks. Just note what tasks are priority and what tasks can be done by the day’s end. This will help you get a… Read more

Your First Day At A New Job. Now what?

You landed a job. Now what? Starting a new job doesn’t mean you have impressed the employer. In fact, the employer is usually betting that you will not make it. Don’t get me wrong. They are hopeful. However, employees tend to start jobs on the right foot and then, after a month or, settle in to the thinking that he or she can’t be replaced. To avoid this trap try the following these tips. Start them on day one of a new job and make sure you perform them every… Read more

Finding Wealth As A CEO or An Individual.

CEOs usually are paid well. But what if you’re not a CEO? Or, a CEO without a grand salary? I’ve complied some tips to finding wealth as an individual or a CEO. These tips can help you grow your company and/or brand while not taking a bath when it comes to money. Start with equity. Yes, equity. 80% of wealthy people own stock either in themselves or businesses they believe in. 10% of the middle-class own equity. There is a huge difference in the numbers. Asking for equity or buying… Read more

Avoiding the Facebook Trap!

You apply for a job and before the employer can review your resume, he or she reviews your Facebook account. Now what? Social media is a tool for people to communicate with and to keep in touch with. But employers use Facebook too, especially when seeking to judge what candidates would be a great advocate for their companies. If you have a private profile know that potential employers can still access it- even without a password. The Friends of Friends setting can easily let a potential employer tip toe around… Read more

How To Be Fearless.

Leaders need to be fearless. But what if you aren’t born to go out and take the world on? What if you are more subtle with your approach? As a woman and a business owner, I wanted to share some of my secrets for being both fearless and subtle in business. I always treat a challenge head-on. This doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive. It does mean you have to face your fears. If you hate speaking in public, face it. That is part of being fearless. Don’t book… Read more