Category Business

3 Tips to Finding A Better Job!

You’re here. You’re browsing our jobs. You have a job and you want a better one- but you’re unsure about moving forward. Don’t be. Life is about growth. Finding a better job means you’re growing as a person. But it isn’t going to be easier. Finding a better job requires thick skin and a lot of dedication. Here are some tips to help you find a better job in the upcoming week. 1. Write down where you want to be. Don’t just seek more money, seek why you want more… Read more

Mobile Marketing & Jobs

I heard someone recently say that using a cell phone to find a job is “outrageous.” Well, times are changing. Yes, more and more businesses are starting the recruiting process via cell phone- using mobile marketing as a way to attract savvy go-getters. As the Wall Street Journal reported, mobile ad spending in the first half of 2013 hit an estimated $3 billion, more than double the $1.2 billion in 2012. While not everyone has a plush mobile marketing budget, you should invest in a mobile website. Not only to… Read more

More Great Work from Building Team Solutions

Today’s blog is more of a photo example of the great work we do placing the right people with the right companies. These three photos (below) were taken at a large limestone quarry plant in central Texas. We recently recruited and placed a Plant Operations Manager at this job site. Yet another successful placement for us! If you need to hire great talent, or you’re seeking an amazing company to work for, please call or email us. In fact, you can apply for a job 24/7 right here on this… Read more

Employment, The Process

I recently watched a video where an HR Specialist stated “it is a great idea to have a candidate do the job while interviewing to make sure they can do it.” In a perfect world this suggestion would solve all of our problems. But it could create many problems, too. Think of the confidentiality clause issues you may have! I would love to tell my clients (when interviewing a candidate) to throw him or her on a sales call or forklift. But what happens if they get hurt on the… Read more

Government Shutdown Impacting Jobs!

The IRS is closed. The Social Security Administration office is closed! Thousands of people are out of work for an unknown period of time. I’m not going to use this forum to get on my soapbox and talk politics. But I will use it to dissect the numerous ways business and work will be impacted by the shutdown. First, credit to the Charlotte Observer that said ““Government employees spend money too,” said James Kleckley, an economist at East Carolina University. “They go out to eat, they buy groceries, they get… Read more

Simple Ways to Find Work

We here at Building Team Solutions are in the business of finding people work. While most of our jobs are temporary, we do offer full-time positions on occasion. It all depends on what our clients want. So, if you’re seeking a career and need some tips on finding full-time work, keep reading……. Step 1: Prepare a 15- to 30-second bio beforehand. This means you pitch yourself, briefly, and highlight an accomplishment that your’e proud of. Remember, never bad mouth a former employer. Step 2: Hand out business cards printed with… Read more

Affordable Care Act (#ACA) 101

January 1st of 2014 is the official launch date of the Affordable Care Act (#ACA). However, October 1st is when a major provision of the Act becomes law. You need to have both these dates marked on your calender regardless if you’re an employee or an employer. Here’s why; On 10/01/2013 employers will be required to hand a special notice to new employees about health care and their rights. Here is the link to the official notice: The ACA is complicated. Many business owners are starting to wonder if… Read more

Beyond Employment Rejection

You know you’re qualified for a job. In fact, you’re qualified and you come with bonuses- like being bilingual or having extra schedule flexibility. You’re a “shoe in” for an interview….. NOT! Many people faced with the above scenario are qualified for the job and expect the courtesy of an interview. Not all qualified candidates are going to be requested for an interview. We know this is frustrating! So, how do you move beyond this? Think beyond the gatekeeper! There really is NO rule stating you have to solely rely… Read more

First Impressions Count

When you send your resume to a potential employer, you’re selling your skills. The employer then has to weed through all the people who have the right skills and make a decision as to who will fit in with the company’s culture. This is why making the best first impression, and not relying on your resume alone, will help you land a job. Here are a few tips on making a great first impression in any situation; 1. Have a purpose. Understand what your goal is and what message you… Read more

You’re Almost Fired…..

Some people will tell you there are no signs provided before a person is fired. That is wrong. There are, in every company, three signs that signal you’re on the out and about to be fired. So, what are the signs? 1. You’re out of the loop. Yes, this is the biggest sign and it is usually accompanied by a gut feeling. If your responsibilities are dwindling, normal office banter feels awkward and people tend not to plan things when you’re around- you may be fired shortly. 2. New management.… Read more