Category Business

Common Job Scams.

It is hard finding work today. There are great jobs available. However, many more people are competing for the same job today versus five and even ten years ago. This fact is making job scamming a prevalent thing, which isn’t helping the employment industry.  We’re listing the top three jobs scams circulating today. Make sure you read up on them and then share them with other people seeking employment. It is tough enough finding a job- you don’t what to find yourself the victim of scam on top of everything.… Read more

Find A Job Using An Android! The Best Apps…..

  If you’re seeking employment, we can help. However, it is still a great idea to be active on the following Android Apps to help enhance your job search. Start with LinkedIn on Android. LinkedIn is the only social network that truly connects employers and recruiters with job applicants. Hiring managers conducting a background search may want to spy your Facebook page, but serious employers will really consider the social worth you’ve amassed on LinkedIn. Consider posting your resume on This Android app is able to keep real-time tabs… Read more

America’s Worst Jobs!

  Staffing employment positions is our business. We help people in Texas find jobs and we help businesses nationwide recruit employees.  In this industry,  I often hear people complain that there are no jobs out there. Well, the job market is improving. My business is proof of this. However, there are some jobs that many people turn down.  Right now there are over 100,000 jobs available in a particular field that don’t require a high school education. What’s the job? Oil Rig worker. Yes, this field has over 100,000 open… Read more

Career Agent or Manager?

Most of the time employees think of their manager as the person who is able to hire, fire and enforce rules. In fact, I’ve seen employees dodge their managers simply because they associate their title with something bad. Why? Managers can be an worker’s best advocate. In fact, managers can be an employee’s Career Agent. I say this because employees tend to associate the word manager with something negative.A Career Agent is someone who helps you, right? Right. They can help you answer questions as to what you can… Read more

Career Planning & Retirement Planning Are the Same Thing!

When you think of planning for your career and then your retirement the two items being the same usually don’t equate. However, they are pretty much the same thing and require the same planning. Here’s why; According to a recent article on, “Research shows that compared to baby boomers, generations X Y, and Z (also known as Millennials) are motivated less by money and more by a desire for work-life balance and finding meaning in their work. If you fall into one of these groups, it’s likely you will… Read more

Power Structures at Work.

There are always going to be different power structures in the work place. It doesn’t matter WHAT industry you are in. The best way to navigate a work place’s inner power structure is to recognize  what type it is! We listed the top power structure at work to help you navigate the waters going forward. #1: Connection power is based upon who you know.  This person knows, and has the ear of, other powerful people within the organization. #2: Legitimate power. This comes from the position a person holds.  This… Read more

Job Search Sins…. Are You Committing One?

No matter what field you work in, our digital and social media culture has an eye on you.  Privacy settings mean something, but they don’t really protect a potential or current employer from forming a wrong opinion about you! Regardless if you use social media or not, the Internet is allowing friends of friends and relatives to post information about you on their own social media accounts. This information can make or break a job- even if you aren’t applying for it online! We decided to share the top 5… Read more

How Do You Wake Up?

If you’re looking for a job or looking to hire, being your best is important. People often say that their days “just get away” from them. This can happen. But there are ways to be more productive in the morning. It does require effort. You will have to adjust your routine, but in the end it is well worth it. Start with one important thing first. Many people spend their mornings getting tied up with emails. Don’t answer your emails first thing. Instead, start your day accomplishing one important task.… Read more

Turning Down A Job.

As a staffing firm, we wish we could tell you that every aspect of the HR process is nothing but rainbows and sunshine. However, sometimes it is not. There are times that an offer of employment may look appealing when, in reality, it isn’t. You can turn down a job offer. We decided to publish the top three reasons to walk away from a job offer and continue your search. Here we go….. #1.  The situation seems to good to be true.  Even people who love their careers will tell… Read more

Are You Stuck?

People can get frustrated with their careers.  There comes a point in everyone’s life where they feel stuck. If you’re feeling this way know that you’re not alone. Let’s be honest, we all have to try out different jobs at one point in our lives. It is rare to find someone who has been at the same job, with the same company, for 30+ years.  The trick is knowing when you are feeling stuck versus when you are really not a great match for a specific career. Loosing interest in… Read more