Two years ago I read an interesting article. I can’t remember the paper’s name, but basically it said electrical contracting would be a big industry within the next five years. At the time I thought the industry would grow, but I never expected the boom that I am seeing in today’s employment market!

Electrical contracting is changing names. It has been since we all started to go “green”. Now, electrical contracting is officially being referred to as energy contractor or energy engineer. The “green” impact really equates to a revival of interest in the electrical trade as home owners and corporations adopt alternative methods (e.g. solar, wind, etc) to power buildings. In fact,a study by the American Solar Energy Society projects renewable energy jobs for electricians to grow approximately 900% by 2030. This is 900% PER STATE!

Electricians need to diversify their skill-set to keep up with the new technologies and needs being created. I expect to see electricians working on solar photovoltaic and wind turbine installations, as well as building retrofits, mass transit and light rail projects, “smart” electrical grid transmission systems and much, much more.

Both the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) offer education programs for green electrical work. I highly suggest getting the education needed to move forward in the field, get credentialed and then promote yourself through press release resumes, online resume and meeting regularly with staffing firms like mine.

Have questions about this blog? I would love to hear from you!

Britanie Olvera