Finding a job no longer is about what experience you may or may not have. In fact, employers are looking for drive, passion and price point more than anything in today’s market.  In fact, experience might actually work against you when seeking a job. Why? Well, a recent report by Forbes magazine said, “Extensive experience presented without achievements and progressive successes may imply you just did the same thing over and over again without growth or improvement.”

So, what if you have tons of experience? What if you loved what you did and you were good at it? So good at it that you became pigeonholed in a job for years and then the recession hit…. now what?

Don’t panic. Here are some tips on navigating the job-seeking waters when you have experience!

1. Limit yourself. If you have 15+ years in one position then note how you improved that position over the years. The title may have been the same, but figure out a way to sell all that you did to grow within the position and help progress the company too.

2.  Only play up related experience.  Highlight the experience you have that is specifically relevant to the job you are applying for. Don’t list how long you were in the position, you can note that later in an interview. Just write “experience with” and the details that match the job prospect.

3. Turn a negative into a positive. Some employers may not like experience, but everyone loves hiring someone who is connected and respected within their field. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume. It will show hiring managers you’re engaged in current means of communicating and networking. Plus, you can show that you’re capable of the job without being too experienced.

Need more help? Contact us. We can connect you with the right employment opportunity.