Job searching can be difficult, but having the right resume can make a big difference from the beginning of the process. Knowing exactly how to write a resume can be confusing, but following these simple tips can get any applicant off to a good start.

Multiple versions are best

Instead of sending out one stock resume to every job they apply for, applicants will be better off sending customized papers for each job they apply to. According to Mashable, a big part of that is because companies increasingly want to see their potential employees appeal directly to their needs. As a result, it’s necessary for many job seekers to create multiple forms of their resume depending on the open positions they’re aiming to apply for.

For instance, applicants should create varied resumes depending on the field they’re looking to enter. If they’re applying to a job that’s similar to past positions they’ve held in their career, it’s recommended that they mostly fill their resume with relevant experience in that field. They’ll be able to use specific examples of problems overcome and accomplishments they’ve earned in the field. However, if the applicant in question is looking to switch their career to a new field, the arrangement of their resume needs to be changed. Work experience may not be enough – in this case, they’re looking to highlight whatever collective skills their past and, hopefully, future positions would necessarily share.

If a job seeker is lacking the experience that seems applicable to the job in question, turning to a staffing agency may be their best bet. Not only can they receive resume advice from professionals, but it’s likely they’ll be able to find a new position in a different field to expand their overall knowledge of the working world. That experience can be used to lay out the next steps in their hopeful careers.

Polished, active writing

Job applicants writing their resumes polish their grammar, spelling and formatting incessantly, ensuring they have a cleanly-written example of their finest work, but that’s not enough. More and more often in today’s society, resumes are first read by computers, but once they pass that process, they’ll be looked over by a human worker as well. As a result, making sure a personality shines through will be the best strategy to advance in the hiring process. The writing needs to be cohesive yet fluid – while focusing on the industry in question is important, ensuring the writing remains relatable is just as vital.

That being said, being understandable is also an important part of the process. Relating to the position’s needs will remain an important part of the writing process.

Fonts are underrated

Many people don’t consider the font that they’re using to be overly important in the resume composition process, but that may not be the best approach. The right font will only add to the professionalism of a well-written resume. According to AOL Jobs, the right choice should be a relatively generic font, though there’s no specific font of those that can make or break a deal.

For instance, the news source states that Times New Roman is a crisp and professional font, though somewhat overused as a result of its default setting on many word processors. Other options that can go well in the writing process include Arial, which is a clean and modern font and Helvetica. Staying away from unusual fonts, like Comic Sans or Impact, and only bolding very important information like titles and names will also improve the final product.