
Staffing and Placements that Have the Power to Change Companies and Lives!

We serve commercial construction, industrial and manufacturing industries that need quality employees and leadership staff.

Building Team Solutions, Inc. is a national placement and recruiting firm that specializes in finding the best candidates for your projects and your teams.

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Staffing and Placements that Have the Power to Change Companies and Lives!

We serve commercial construction, industrial and manufacturing industries that need quality employees and leadership staff.

Building Team Solutions, Inc. is a national placement and recruiting firm that specializes in finding the best candidates for your projects and your teams.

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Call us for all your staffing needs (512) 258-5336

Our Services

Building Team Solutions is in the business of people. We bring a fresh perspective to staffing, recruiting and placement – we don’t just fill openings, we build teams. Unlike the traditional temp agency model, we provide long-term solutions to your staffing needs, offering permanent placements, executive recruitment and professional consulting, as well.

With more than 75 years of combined experience, our management team is driven, focused and proficient, with a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and a shared love for the work that we do. We take staffing to the next level!

Our Vision, Mission and Core Values

We are Christian based company founded on biblical principles!

We Are Committed To:

  • Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles.
  • Exceeding the expectations of our clients, our employees and our internal staff.
  • Being servant leaders and honoring our mission to make a difference in the communities and families we serve through our guiding core values.
  • Being an equity investor in our community by operating a profitable business that can then return a portion of these proceeds to ministry, missionary and non profit partners.

Our Corporate Videos

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Call us for all your staffing needs (512) 258-5336

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Featured Articles

How to Build an Effective Talent Pipeline Strategy

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every time an employee resigned, a new position was created or you were having trouble filling a critical role, you had the names of several suitable candidates right at your fingertips?

Job Search Secrets to Win Over Computers and Recruiters

Remember résumé paper? In the days before digital communication, job seekers hoping to impress prospective employers printed their résumés on expensive, heavyweight linen-textured paper in hues of white, cream and gray.

Is Your Company Irresistible to Jobseekers?

The best companies attract the best people. It’s a concept as irrefutable as the laws of gravity.

Meet Our Team

With over 75 years of combined experience, we take staffing to the next level!

Britanie Olvera

"Ms. Problem Solver"

Kelly Brown

"Mrs. Efficient"

Victor Gutierrez

"Mr. I Can Do It"

Myranda Brown

"Placement Specialist Extraordinaire"

Valencia Moore

"Ms. I Got You Covered"

Lauren Turner

"Ms. Ready , Set, Go"

Jana McCann

"Ms. I Can Make It Happen"
Call us for all your staffing needs (512) 258-5336

All Hard Work Brings Profit but Mere Talk Leads Only to Poverty

Proverbs - 14

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what people say. I just watch what they do.

Andrew Carnegie - Scottish industrialist, philanthropist. Founder, Carnegie Steel co.

Our Beloved Clients

These are some of the companies we have had the pleasure of serving.

Read What Our Clients Are Saying…

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Building Team Solutions