Leaders need to be fearless. But what if you aren’t born to go out and take the world on? What if you are more subtle with your approach? As a woman and a business owner, I wanted to share some of my secrets for being both fearless and subtle in business.

I always treat a challenge head-on. This doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive. It does mean you have to face your fears. If you hate speaking in public, face it. That is part of being fearless. Don’t book a speaking engagement right away to overcome your fear but think about taking a class on public speaking. Even job seekers can utilize this tip. If you’re afraid of changing jobs because you simply have been at the same job forever- start practicing your interview skills. Admit you are scare and make a plan to move forward. The plan is part of your becoming fearless.

Another key component to being fearless is a willingness to communicate. Communication is hard. We, as people, often want to avoid having difficult discussions. Fearless people don’t avoid these discussions. They embrace them. If you can communicate clearly and remain positive, you can turn any situation into a learning experience.

Becoming fearless is a great quality to have as a leader or someone who is aspiring to own his or her own business. Remember, don’t duck away from the difficult conversations and face your challenges head on and with a plan!