Inspiration can come in any form. Being inspired is a great feeling. You get up, zip through your day- you’re focused on a goal. But, inspiration can be tricky. The passion can dwindle.  I’ve found the following works for me when inspiring my employees. After all  inspired employees are more creative and produce greater results.

I like to inspire by hosting a meeting. Yes, a meeting. I like bringing in a lunch for everyone on my team and setting aside the formalities of our office. I like to discuss my vision and seek out my employees’ opinions. This relaxed and interactive environment isn’t to ask for their permission on my goals, it is to get them to take ownership of where I want us to go as a team.  Sharing your vision in a meeting can help inspire people if you create a fun and passionate setting!

I also think people become more inspired when you speak from your heart. Inspiration doesn’t come from a terrible movie. Inspiration comes from a movie that evokes emotion, right? Right! So, share your fears and the challenges ahead- but share your enthusiasm too. Be bold and be emotional. Create a sense of excitement and you will inspire others.

Do you have a great story of inspiration to share with me? Please do! I can’t wait to read your success stories.