Hiring a new employee is a major decision. How do you know if you’re making the right one? What happens if he or she isn’t the right match for your company? Although we here at Building Team Solutions eliminate a lot of the worry, making a great decision when hiring a  new person (or any business decision) can be easy!

To make a great decision try trusting your gut. There is a study out citing that the heart can predict images (positive and negative) faster then the brain. If you have a good feeling about an employee or business move- proceed.  If you have a bad feeling, don’t move forward. It seems simple, and it is, but trusting your guy will help you make better decisions.

Making a decision too quickly is an area that has to be corrected in our society. We are all about super size this and fast food that- as examples. The point is that we tend to make decisions way to fast. There is no time limit on making a decision. If an outside source imposes one- request more time. You should always go with your gut and then perform research to support your gut feeling and the decision at hand. Sometimes this research may lead to alternative options that you may have not previously considered.

So, if you’re faced with a major decision this weekend- don’t dwell on having an answer by Monday morning. Take your time, trust your gut and do your research.