Our CEO is going to prison. It is true. Britanie Olvera is part of the Prison Entrepreneurial Program.  On Saturday, April 20th our CEO is volunteering her time to help inmates learn business skills and obtain jobs (or start a business) upon release. Ms. Olvera is heading to a Texas prison in Cleveland, Texas as a VIP for the Prison Entrepreneurial Program.

“I’m honored to serve alongside other Texas-based businesses,” said Ms. Olvera. “This program is an opportunity to help save communities money and it also generates reformed citizens and upcoming business leaders. One ex-con started a business that generates millions of dollars legally because of this program. And most of the graduates find employment or start their businesses within 90 days of release. It is a win-win for all involved parties and the community.”

Britanie Olvera’s continued dedication to improving Texas through employment goes without question. Ms. Olvera is available to speak more about her in involvement in this program upon request.

Media Management Firm:

Helene Vece, JumpStart Ink

[email protected]