Tagged as business blog

Social Media & Finding Employees

It is my business to find clients the best employees for their business. While I use all types of recruiting and screening tools, social media has helped introduce me to candidates that may have never thought about stepping foot into my office. You see, many candidates are seeking new jobs online without using the term “applying”, yes- there is a difference. These are people who want to find a better job but will not say they are looking for a better job out of fear they may lose the income… Read more

The Micro-Manager

These days the term ‘helicopter mom’ is be applied to everything in a variety of ways. I’ve heard people say ‘helicopter manager’ or ‘helicopter neighbor’ and so on. But what does this mean and is it really a bad thing? Basically, helicopter is a nicer (I guess?) way of saying micro-manager. So, we have to examine if being a micro-manager really is a bad thing, especially in the work place.  Micro-managing can actually help some employees. But, you have to use this tool, like any tool, appropriately. Here are some… Read more

Bridging the Generation Gap at Work!

My company works with all types of companies to find and hire a variety of different people.  We hire across the board and work within different fields. What Building Team Solutions has noticed, along with our clients, is a difference of how work is viewed based through the eyes of different generations. In fact, the generation gap often becomes a major point of contention for most employers. Why is this? Well, again- work is viewed differently and each generation has different expectations of the job,  of their peers, and of… Read more

Time Management

Ahh, it’s Friday. And you’re swamped. If you’re like me, Friday doesn’t mean you are at the end of your week and can wind down. In fact, most busy people tend to work their latest day on Fridays. Well, the truth be told…. I’m not working that late tonight. I’ve developed a few time management tricks that are working. I may be swamped but I know the work will be done on time and well before the weekend arrives. If you want to manage your time better, follow these tips;… Read more

Career Agent or Manager?

Most of the time employees think of their manager as the person who is able to hire, fire and enforce rules. In fact, I’ve seen employees dodge their managers simply because they associate their title with something bad. Why? Managers can be an worker’s best advocate. In fact, managers can be an employee’s Career Agent. I say this because employees tend to associate the word manager with something negative.A Career Agent is someone who helps you, right? Right. They can help you answer questions as to what you can… Read more