Tagged as Candidates

Building a Remote Workforce

Yes, we can help you find and hire remote talent. The trouble with remote talent is sustainability. Are you able to keep remote talent engaged in what your company has to offer? When hiring, you want to consider employees who have worked independently before. This rule will outweigh experience. People who are able to work independently without much instruction will be a perfect match for a remote workforce employee. If you have to train someone to work independently, the habit is not embedded and it can cause sustainability issues. Be… Read more

Finding A Job in 2014

It is really sad to know there are millions of people in this country going without extended unemployment benefits this soon into 2014. While there is something to be said for a positive attitude, I know how hard it can be to keep the faith. As the New Year is headed into its third day, let me give you some quick and easy tips to help move your job search along. Yes, applying with us does improve your chances. But, if you’re still curious, take a look at my best… Read more

Outdated Job Searches

I spent the morning collecting the worst job seeking advice floating around the Internet. Here are my top 5 ways to NOT get a job. #5. Using a land line for a phone interview is a must. This only applies if you live somewhere between a rock and a cave.There are cell phone towers and WiFi everywhere these days. You don’t need to track down a land line to conduct a job interview. Rescheduling the interview because you have no land line is a serious no no.#4. You MUST… Read more

Are You A Creepy CEO?

I recently read an article on being creepy in general. I’ll admit the headline grabbed me. As I started out to read a funny piece of web chatter, I really started to think about how many CEOs out there shared the same “creepy” qualities in an unintentional way. I decided to jot down three things I see CEOs do on a daily basis that could be construed as creepy. 1. Talk about appearances. Don’t be known as the boss who is always commenting on how people look. While you might… Read more

When To Follow Up

If you’re in a position to hire then be prepared for follow up phone calls and/or emails. I tell CEOs and other business decision makers to not be annoyed when a candidate is calling seeking an answer. Empathy for the interviewee is crucial. While you’re not going to love all the final candidates, you’re going to have to treat them with the same respect you would want. Don’t get annoyed if you receive a phone call following up on your hiring decision the day you said you’re going to be… Read more

Business Owners… Are You Sleeping?

Business owners have to deal with a lot. There is the economy. There is the internal financial factor (are you making a profit?), and then there is the employee factor. A recent poll stated 23% of business owners lose sleep over employment issues at least once a week. Business owners have reported losing sleep over not being able to find the right employee, being worried about firing an employee who isn’t progressing, and/or not being able to afford the right employees. I’m here to tell you to stop worrying. I… Read more

3 Tips to Finding A Better Job!

You’re here. You’re browsing our jobs. You have a job and you want a better one- but you’re unsure about moving forward. Don’t be. Life is about growth. Finding a better job means you’re growing as a person. But it isn’t going to be easier. Finding a better job requires thick skin and a lot of dedication. Here are some tips to help you find a better job in the upcoming week. 1. Write down where you want to be. Don’t just seek more money, seek why you want more… Read more

Employment, The Process

I recently watched a video where an HR Specialist stated “it is a great idea to have a candidate do the job while interviewing to make sure they can do it.” In a perfect world this suggestion would solve all of our problems. But it could create many problems, too. Think of the confidentiality clause issues you may have! I would love to tell my clients (when interviewing a candidate) to throw him or her on a sales call or forklift. But what happens if they get hurt on the… Read more

3 Team Building Tips for Employers

My business is the HR business. I have to advocate for both employers and employees. Team building exercises tend to really help when it comes to meshing these two sides together. There are several resources online for team building advice. If you simply Google the term “free team building exercises” over a million hits come up. Just check out this link! https://www.google.com/search?q=free+team+building+exercises&rlz=1C1SKPL_enUS447&oq=free+team+building+exercises&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.777j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8I’ve spent a day or two looking through all the free advice online. While some tips are great, there are a lot of bad ideas out there. Some… Read more

RECRUITERS: Impact Candidates Positively

As the founder and owner of a boutique style recruiting and consulting firm (See my blog about BOUTIQUE STAFFING  here), I found it a bit disheartening to read this article from The Recruiter about recent ugly exchanges between a couple of recruiters and job seekers.  Unfortunately, in these exchanges recruiters spoke in an unprofessional, arrogant tone, suggesting that candidates should be more appreciative of their assistance, and regard their opinion highly. We can’t be sure if inexperience, pent-up animosity because of their own career or life choices, simply a bad… Read more