Tagged as construction jobs texas

3 Ways to Land a Job Without Experience

If you’re seeking your dream job, but feel you don’t have (or maybe have been told) the right experience, keep reading. While we here at Building Team Solutions help our clients realize what positions are the best matches for their skillset, we are always encouraging growth through career counseling and additional training. In the meantime, here are 3 ways to land a job without experience; 1. Volunteer. Yes, volunteer. If there are no volunteer positions available, or have ever been created, for the job you want- ask. 2. Play leap… Read more

Policies Can’t Prevent Employee Stupidity on Social Media!

It sounds harsh. Employee stupidity. The truth is that employees can’t navigate every aspect of an employee’s life. And, employees use social media to interact in and outside of the workplace. And these employees often interact with one another using social media outside of the work space. So, what happens when one employee posts something on social media that offends another employee? Is this your responsibility as an employer? It can be. First, no matter what type of internal and external policy your company lawyer draws up, an employee is… Read more

Steal your employee and competitors’ social media followers.

All companies are seeking to target the right customers and gain ROI when it comes to writing for and using social media avenues to grow business. But did you know you’re sitting on a gold mine with your employees and even your competition? A big trend so far in 2014 is social media swiping. While it may pose (to only a few) some moral issues, it is a generally acceptable thing to do when done correctly. So, what is it? Stealing the social media subscribers of your employees and competition… Read more

Obamacare – 3 Easy Ways to Navigate It

Uh oh, it’s almost Thanksgiving. Are you ready for the Obamacare deadlines? You should be, one has already passed! If you’re like many HR specialist and business owners who are turned around by Obamacare, don’t panic. I’ve come up with three easy tips to help you navigate Obamacare for your company. 1. You can afford to offer healthcare. Don’t think you’re going to be so heavily taxed that the penalties are a better option. If you have less than 25 full-time employees, you can actually get a tax credit for… Read more

What NOT to Say at Work.

Let’s say you landed your dream job. You’re having trouble fitting in with the culture. It seems no matter what you say, other employees (or worse, bosses) are taking your words out of content. Here are a few tips to fit in better and keep you from saying the wrong thing. First, don’t interrupt someone who is talking too much. If you start explaining an idea, or anything for the matter, and someone runs over you and talks, and talks, and talks, and …… simply wait for the person to… Read more

Slackers – They’re Not Looking for Work

Here is my Friday story for you. I came across a business owner who was afraid to hire a much needed Guy Friday for his construction office. He was afraid he would pay a slacker, not a go-getter. While not everyone has the same work ethic as go-getters, this doesn’t mean employees in general are slackers. We ended up having a real nice conversation and this business owner was stuck on a story from earlier in the year. He kept sighting the surfer dude in California named Jason used food… Read more

The Instagram Job Search!

There is a new way to find work. While it isn’t so popular right now, I think the method will go viral soon. Instagram job hunts are on the rise. But how can a simple photo help connect someone with the right job? Well, let us consider these facts: 1. 1 billion “Likes” go out per day on Instagram. That’s 1 billion chances for people to connect with one another. 2. Over 130 million people use Instagram more than twice a day. 3. Instagram allows you a custom handle, making… Read more

The Healthy Workday

Ahh, you come to the end of your workday and reflect on all that you have accomplished. Your expense reports are done. You have met with your team to discuss goals and set deadlines. You’ve fired one employee and you’ve hired a new branding team. Your work here is done. So, how’s your health. Did you start the day off with a high-calorie coffee and muffin? Maybe you took a snack from the vending machine and then ate a fast food burger at your desk. Not so accomplished after all,… Read more

Lunch At Your Desk? It’s Why You’re Failing.

I tried my best to fit in as many things as possible during the course of one day. I tried this for years. It didn’t work out. This thought brings me to a habit I had, eating lunch at my desk. Not only did I think it impressed others and showed dedication and leadership, I truly felt that I didn’t have enough time to eat lunch in the break room or at a restaurant. I then realized that lunch at my desk, especially as a CEO, was a bad habit… Read more

Are You A Creepy CEO?

I recently read an article on being creepy in general. I’ll admit the headline grabbed me. As I started out to read a funny piece of web chatter, I really started to think about how many CEOs out there shared the same “creepy” qualities in an unintentional way. I decided to jot down three things I see CEOs do on a daily basis that could be construed as creepy. 1. Talk about appearances. Don’t be known as the boss who is always commenting on how people look. While you might… Read more