Tagged as find work in texas

3 Team Building Tips for Employers

My business is the HR business. I have to advocate for both employers and employees. Team building exercises tend to really help when it comes to meshing these two sides together. There are several resources online for team building advice. If you simply Google the term “free team building exercises” over a million hits come up. Just check out this link! https://www.google.com/search?q=free+team+building+exercises&rlz=1C1SKPL_enUS447&oq=free+team+building+exercises&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.777j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8I’ve spent a day or two looking through all the free advice online. While some tips are great, there are a lot of bad ideas out there. Some… Read more

Asking the Right Questions

Many people visit this blog seeking to find special tips to gain employment.  While we often talk about interviewing etiquette and how to find work, we really haven’t discussed asking the right questions when being interviewed.Asking questions during an interview shows you’re interested in the job. It sets you apart from other candidates who may have conveyed a feeling of the event being just another interview. Asking the right questions may even land you the job- even if you’re under or over qualified. What are they right questions to… Read more

The Employment Gap ; How To Handle It.

The economy these last past years hasn’t been the best. That’s obvious. Explaining employment gaps, however, can’t be singled out in two simple words, “the economy.” You really do have to explain gaps in employment. Relying on “the economy” answer  isn’t going to cut it anymore when it comes to finding a job. The best way to handle a gap in employment is with honesty. You should also address the issue asap. A cover letter with any application or resume is the perfect way to notate what happened to cause… Read more

Common Job Scams.

It is hard finding work today. There are great jobs available. However, many more people are competing for the same job today versus five and even ten years ago. This fact is making job scamming a prevalent thing, which isn’t helping the employment industry.  We’re listing the top three jobs scams circulating today. Make sure you read up on them and then share them with other people seeking employment. It is tough enough finding a job- you don’t what to find yourself the victim of scam on top of everything.… Read more

America’s Worst Jobs!

  Staffing employment positions is our business. We help people in Texas find jobs and we help businesses nationwide recruit employees.  In this industry,  I often hear people complain that there are no jobs out there. Well, the job market is improving. My business is proof of this. However, there are some jobs that many people turn down.  Right now there are over 100,000 jobs available in a particular field that don’t require a high school education. What’s the job? Oil Rig worker. Yes, this field has over 100,000 open… Read more