Tagged as hire employees texas

More Great Work from Building Team Solutions

Today’s blog is more of a photo example of the great work we do placing the right people with the right companies. These three photos (below) were taken at a large limestone quarry plant in central Texas. We recently recruited and placed a Plant Operations Manager at this job site. Yet another successful placement for us! If you need to hire great talent, or you’re seeking an amazing company to work for, please call or email us. In fact, you can apply for a job 24/7 right here on this… Read more

Employment, The Process

I recently watched a video where an HR Specialist stated “it is a great idea to have a candidate do the job while interviewing to make sure they can do it.” In a perfect world this suggestion would solve all of our problems. But it could create many problems, too. Think of the confidentiality clause issues you may have! I would love to tell my clients (when interviewing a candidate) to throw him or her on a sales call or forklift. But what happens if they get hurt on the… Read more

Government Shutdown Impacting Jobs!

The IRS is closed. The Social Security Administration office is closed! Thousands of people are out of work for an unknown period of time. I’m not going to use this forum to get on my soapbox and talk politics. But I will use it to dissect the numerous ways business and work will be impacted by the shutdown. First, credit to the Charlotte Observer that said ““Government employees spend money too,” said James Kleckley, an economist at East Carolina University. “They go out to eat, they buy groceries, they get… Read more

Tough Interview Questions

It happens. You’re prepared for a big interview and then your tossed a curve ball. Before you know it, a question you were not prepared for is asked and you are stopped in your tracks. How do you handle this situation? First, let me say before you panic remember to remain positive. You don’t want to ever say anything negative about anyone else, a customer or your past employer. One curve ball question that is being asked a lot in today’s interviewing culture is this; “tell me about the worst… Read more

Employment Expectations & Communication 101

If you are in charge of employees know that your ability to communicate is crucial.  Many people don’t exactly know how to communicate with employees, but can communicate with potential customers. Why is this? Well, I’ve decided to use today’s blog to point out the top three ways I feel basic communication between employer and employee can be improved. #1.  Focus your conversations on one issue.  Having a long meeting to discuss multiple topics sends a message that not a single topic is important enough to warrant its own meeting.  … Read more

The Danger of Doing Everything Yourself.

I knew a lady who wouldn’t delegate work. She was afraid someone was going to “steal” her ideas or go to work for another company and share trade secrets. Besides having NDAs in place, she just couldn’t delegate her work, which is why her business is no longer a business. Delegating work and trusting others is a part of operating a business. Sure, not every employee or client is going to have the best intentions or work half as hard as you do. That’s a part of the game. Regardless,… Read more