Tagged as hiring managers

3 Tips to Finding A Better Job!

You’re here. You’re browsing our jobs. You have a job and you want a better one- but you’re unsure about moving forward. Don’t be. Life is about growth. Finding a better job means you’re growing as a person. But it isn’t going to be easier. Finding a better job requires thick skin and a lot of dedication. Here are some tips to help you find a better job in the upcoming week. 1. Write down where you want to be. Don’t just seek more money, seek why you want more… Read more

Employment, The Process

I recently watched a video where an HR Specialist stated “it is a great idea to have a candidate do the job while interviewing to make sure they can do it.” In a perfect world this suggestion would solve all of our problems. But it could create many problems, too. Think of the confidentiality clause issues you may have! I would love to tell my clients (when interviewing a candidate) to throw him or her on a sales call or forklift. But what happens if they get hurt on the… Read more

Government Shutdown Impacting Jobs!

The IRS is closed. The Social Security Administration office is closed! Thousands of people are out of work for an unknown period of time. I’m not going to use this forum to get on my soapbox and talk politics. But I will use it to dissect the numerous ways business and work will be impacted by the shutdown. First, credit to the Charlotte Observer that said ““Government employees spend money too,” said James Kleckley, an economist at East Carolina University. “They go out to eat, they buy groceries, they get… Read more

Tough Interview Questions

It happens. You’re prepared for a big interview and then your tossed a curve ball. Before you know it, a question you were not prepared for is asked and you are stopped in your tracks. How do you handle this situation? First, let me say before you panic remember to remain positive. You don’t want to ever say anything negative about anyone else, a customer or your past employer. One curve ball question that is being asked a lot in today’s interviewing culture is this; “tell me about the worst… Read more

2 Ways to be A Better Manager

  CEOs often have held a manager position at one time or another in their career.  I find the difference between being a manager who moves up to executive management and being a manager who stays complacent is the ability to improve and take action (or vice versa). Are you taking action today to improve your managerial skills? There are two ways you can start becoming a better manager today. These actions should be exercised on a daily basis. #1.  Don’t solely focus on external customer service. Your job is… Read more

Career Agent or Manager?

Most of the time employees think of their manager as the person who is able to hire, fire and enforce rules. In fact, I’ve seen employees dodge their managers simply because they associate their title with something bad. Why? Managers can be an worker’s best advocate. In fact, managers can be an employee’s Career Agent. I say this because employees tend to associate the word manager with something negative.A Career Agent is someone who helps you, right? Right. They can help you answer questions as to what you can… Read more