Tagged as how to fire someone

Firing Employees

While no one ever likes having to fire an employee, it does happen- and for various reasons.  There are a lot of steps required to fire an employee legally and ethically.  Termination has to be executed to protect a company from different types of lawsuits and public embarrassment. A terminated employee can be rightfully fired but this doesn’t prevent him or her from sometimes going to the media to cry foul. How you fire an employee sends a powerful message to your remaining staff.  If the employee decides to contents… Read more

Do you Know How To Fire Someone?

No one likes having to fire an employee- well, with the exception of Donald Trump. For the most, firing someone isn’t easy. It has to be done, but we are all human.  If you do have to let someone go, here are some tips to avoid really making a mess of the situation. 1.  Don’t make someone disappear.  It is bad for the employees who are staying. Good companies communicate and do so in a positive manner.  If you’re going to fire someone, explain to the rest of the employees… Read more