Tagged as human resources blog

Policies Can’t Prevent Employee Stupidity on Social Media!

It sounds harsh. Employee stupidity. The truth is that employees can’t navigate every aspect of an employee’s life. And, employees use social media to interact in and outside of the workplace. And these employees often interact with one another using social media outside of the work space. So, what happens when one employee posts something on social media that offends another employee? Is this your responsibility as an employer? It can be. First, no matter what type of internal and external policy your company lawyer draws up, an employee is… Read more

Bridging the Generation Gap at Work!

My company works with all types of companies to find and hire a variety of different people.  We hire across the board and work within different fields. What Building Team Solutions has noticed, along with our clients, is a difference of how work is viewed based through the eyes of different generations. In fact, the generation gap often becomes a major point of contention for most employers. Why is this? Well, again- work is viewed differently and each generation has different expectations of the job,  of their peers, and of… Read more