Tagged as human resources blogs

Your Employees ; Your Clients

I was doing some research on salespeople the other day and discovered there isn’t that much difference between selling products and selling a company from either end of the spectrum when it comes to sales people and HR specialists. Selling your company to a potential employee is just like a sales person sells a company’s products or services to clients. This said, the approach on either end of the spectrum should be the same. What do I mean? Well, let’s review; 1. Don’t over talk. You shouldn’t have to convince… Read more

Building a Remote Workforce

Yes, we can help you find and hire remote talent. The trouble with remote talent is sustainability. Are you able to keep remote talent engaged in what your company has to offer? When hiring, you want to consider employees who have worked independently before. This rule will outweigh experience. People who are able to work independently without much instruction will be a perfect match for a remote workforce employee. If you have to train someone to work independently, the habit is not embedded and it can cause sustainability issues. Be… Read more

The worst answers to interview questions.

I recently heard someone say there is no wrong answer. Well, that in itself, is indeed a wrong answer! There are some terrible answers out there. No, we shouldn’t simply embrace idiocracy because people are “being themselves.” For example, if you are applying for a job as a cashier and you have served time for armed robbery- while you may have recovered and changed your life- applying for that job isn’t the best idea because the answer you will have to give to certain cash related questions will be the… Read more

Top 3 Most Hated Jobs in America

Ever hear someone state that they “hate” their job. Well, CNBC actually did a survey to see what the most hated jobs in America are. Here are the results; 1. Marketing Manager. People in this position cited “no direction” 98% of the time as far as the reason behind why they hate their jobs. A marketing manager is responsible for overseeing advertising and promotion. This involves developing strategies to meet sales objectives, based on the study of such factors as customer surveys and market behavior. 2. IT (Technical) Support. 87%… Read more

Growing with Limited Resources

All businesses have to start somewhere. Unfortunately, that somewhere isn’t always backed by ideal resources and unlimited money to invest in growth. That’s why I am writing this blog. I want to share a few ideas to help you grow with minimal resources. Start with your social media marketing efforts. It you’re too busy to do all the social media updates for your company, focus only on email. This method is still the most impactful when it comes to actual ROI. So, if you are short on time and don’t… Read more

Are You Hiring Inexperience?

The rule of thumb used to be that experience outweighed education. And, to an extent, this is true today. However, there is a shift in the thinking of many employers. Now, inexperience is valuable because employers can train their employees fresh out of school or entry into the field. They, so to speak, can mold employees how they want them to act and operate without having to break bad habits learned from other employers. Employees usually have to perform more than one task when it comes to their company responsibilities.… Read more

35 Years Old and Working in A Coffee Shop!

I recently read an article on the 40 reasons Your Kid will Become a Barista. First, I’m not too sure there is anything wrong with being a Barista. I love coffee. My clients love coffee. What could be better than serving delicious coffee all day? This said, I understood the point of the article. The workforce of the future might be lacking a little drive when it comes to separating jobs from actual career ambitions. The article I read suggested kids don’t have enough match and science training in elementary… Read more

3 Tips for Finding Work in 2014

It is a New Year. As we wind down the first month of 2014, there have been some changes in how to find work that are noticeable. We here at Building Team Solutions thought it would be a great way to end the week by sharing the top three tips for finding work in 2014. #1. Are you really looking for a job or are you looking for a career? This has to be the first question you ask yourself. If you’re looking for a job in the field of… Read more

Steal your employee and competitors’ social media followers.

All companies are seeking to target the right customers and gain ROI when it comes to writing for and using social media avenues to grow business. But did you know you’re sitting on a gold mine with your employees and even your competition? A big trend so far in 2014 is social media swiping. While it may pose (to only a few) some moral issues, it is a generally acceptable thing to do when done correctly. So, what is it? Stealing the social media subscribers of your employees and competition… Read more

Employee benefits – are we all about money?

I recently read an article about employee benefits and today’s modern workforce. While companies like Zappos are really retaining talent because of their employment environment, the company seems to be the exception to the current trend’s rule. More and more employers are eliminating office perks like free coffee and bottled water because their employees report valuing cash over perks and benefits. The same goes for health care. Being “Obamacare” is only requiring employers to offer health insurance and not dental or vision plans, many companies are reporting their employees don’t… Read more
Building Team Solutions