Tagged as human resources blogs

Do You Really Need to Hire?

We have some amazing clients. Truly, we are so blessed to be able to connect great employers with talented employees. However, there are times we will be called upon to help connected an employer with employees and realize the new business shouldn’t be thinking about hiring just yet. If you’re an entrepreneur who is thinking about expanding your employee network, even temporarily, please read this to ensure you are ready to hire. The first rule is you will have a real weekly expense to take care of. You can’t skip… Read more

3 Questions You Should Be Asking Potential Employees

Social media has helped employees connect with employers. And while this is great for employers wanting to gauge character before interviewing an employee, many are missing the mark when it comes to asking the right questions when engaging with a prospect employee on line. Here are Building Team Solutions’ Top 3 Questions Every Employer Needs to Ask a Potential Employee Online! 1. Give me a random bit about yourself. This is a great question because you can tell a lot about someone’s personality by how they use this opportunity. Do… Read more

What NOT to Say at Work.

Let’s say you landed your dream job. You’re having trouble fitting in with the culture. It seems no matter what you say, other employees (or worse, bosses) are taking your words out of content. Here are a few tips to fit in better and keep you from saying the wrong thing. First, don’t interrupt someone who is talking too much. If you start explaining an idea, or anything for the matter, and someone runs over you and talks, and talks, and talks, and …… simply wait for the person to… Read more

Slackers – They’re Not Looking for Work

Here is my Friday story for you. I came across a business owner who was afraid to hire a much needed Guy Friday for his construction office. He was afraid he would pay a slacker, not a go-getter. While not everyone has the same work ethic as go-getters, this doesn’t mean employees in general are slackers. We ended up having a real nice conversation and this business owner was stuck on a story from earlier in the year. He kept sighting the surfer dude in California named Jason used food… Read more

Outdated Job Searches

I spent the morning collecting the worst job seeking advice floating around the Internet. Here are my top 5 ways to NOT get a job. #5. Using a land line for a phone interview is a must. This only applies if you live somewhere between a rock and a cave.There are cell phone towers and WiFi everywhere these days. You don’t need to track down a land line to conduct a job interview. Rescheduling the interview because you have no land line is a serious no no.#4. You MUST… Read more

Pick A Career & Love Your Life

It is never too late to find a job you love. In fact, if you love your work- you will love your life! I find many people get stuck in this “I have to work” routine. And yes, you are going to have to work in life. But you don’t have to be at a job you hate forever. Set goals. Treat your career goals like recipes, performing one step at a time and don’t expect everything to happen all at once. You also need to understand what goes in… Read more

The Temp Job 101

Many people today love working temp jobs. It helps build up their resume with experience in an array of different industries and positions. The market for finding a temp job has become highly competitive. The more experienced a temp is, the more likely the staffing agency is to recommend that person. The same goes for being flexible. If you’re looking to get your foot in the door with a staffing company know there are a few steps to follow beyond applying and testing in the office. 1. Research the different… Read more

Employment, The Process

I recently watched a video where an HR Specialist stated “it is a great idea to have a candidate do the job while interviewing to make sure they can do it.” In a perfect world this suggestion would solve all of our problems. But it could create many problems, too. Think of the confidentiality clause issues you may have! I would love to tell my clients (when interviewing a candidate) to throw him or her on a sales call or forklift. But what happens if they get hurt on the… Read more

Government Shutdown Impacting Jobs!

The IRS is closed. The Social Security Administration office is closed! Thousands of people are out of work for an unknown period of time. I’m not going to use this forum to get on my soapbox and talk politics. But I will use it to dissect the numerous ways business and work will be impacted by the shutdown. First, credit to the Charlotte Observer that said ““Government employees spend money too,” said James Kleckley, an economist at East Carolina University. “They go out to eat, they buy groceries, they get… Read more

3 Team Building Tips for Employers

My business is the HR business. I have to advocate for both employers and employees. Team building exercises tend to really help when it comes to meshing these two sides together. There are several resources online for team building advice. If you simply Google the term “free team building exercises” over a million hits come up. Just check out this link! https://www.google.com/search?q=free+team+building+exercises&rlz=1C1SKPL_enUS447&oq=free+team+building+exercises&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.777j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8I’ve spent a day or two looking through all the free advice online. While some tips are great, there are a lot of bad ideas out there. Some… Read more