Tagged as job openings texas

Personality Tests to Vet Candidates…Is It Legal?

It is no secret applicants tend to exaggerate (even outright lie) on resumes and application. As a result, personality testing has become a big part of today’s second-step employment screening process. Companies find a qualified applicant who does well on an interview, but then the applicant fails the personality test. Companies consider the personality test as a useful tool to weed out liars and those who might not fit within the company culture. But did you know how you conduct this type of testing can be illegal? It’s true. You… Read more

Government Shutdown Impacting Jobs!

The IRS is closed. The Social Security Administration office is closed! Thousands of people are out of work for an unknown period of time. I’m not going to use this forum to get on my soapbox and talk politics. But I will use it to dissect the numerous ways business and work will be impacted by the shutdown. First, credit to the Charlotte Observer that said ““Government employees spend money too,” said James Kleckley, an economist at East Carolina University. “They go out to eat, they buy groceries, they get… Read more

3 Team Building Tips for Employers

My business is the HR business. I have to advocate for both employers and employees. Team building exercises tend to really help when it comes to meshing these two sides together. There are several resources online for team building advice. If you simply Google the term “free team building exercises” over a million hits come up. Just check out this link! https://www.google.com/search?q=free+team+building+exercises&rlz=1C1SKPL_enUS447&oq=free+team+building+exercises&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.777j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8I’ve spent a day or two looking through all the free advice online. While some tips are great, there are a lot of bad ideas out there. Some… Read more

SNL Office Skits!

Happy Saturday! It is no secret that Saturday Night Live (SNL) has been developing hilarious office skits for decades.  That’s why this Saturday I decided to take a break from my normal business blog to write about something different- the funniest SNL office skits. I have my favorites and I know you have yours. So, let’s take a look back. Share your own list with me via Twitter or Facebook! Britanie Olvera, CEO #1.  Bill Brasky at the airport bar. Who hasn’t witnessed someone like this during a business trip?… Read more

The Employment Gap ; How To Handle It.

The economy these last past years hasn’t been the best. That’s obvious. Explaining employment gaps, however, can’t be singled out in two simple words, “the economy.” You really do have to explain gaps in employment. Relying on “the economy” answer  isn’t going to cut it anymore when it comes to finding a job. The best way to handle a gap in employment is with honesty. You should also address the issue asap. A cover letter with any application or resume is the perfect way to notate what happened to cause… Read more