Tagged as jobs in austin texas

Dell Medical School

How awesome is this? WOW, we have skilled workers staffed in this project working with the General Contractor to BUILD this. We are blessed to be part of this great project! What a story to tell their children and grandchildren! GREAT video take a couple minutes to watch!! Building Team Solutions = making history one staffing at a time!Footage provided and taken by: Dell Medical School Construction Site: Drone Flyover Footage, 2015… Read more

Are You Prepared for These Questions?

There are certain questions every employer is going to ask you about. Regardless of the type of work, your skill level or the type of position, these questions are essential to help employers get a better understanding of not only who you are but where you came from and why you left. If you’re seeking employment right now then please continue reading. You should practice your answers to these questions to appear confident in your answers. Plus, if you find yourself stuck answering a question- you can address the issue… Read more

College – It Still Counts

The other day I heard someone say that college was a waste of time in this economy and job market. I couldn’t disagree more. While more and more people are obtaining jobs meant for those with a college degree, there is something to be said for the levels of networking and character building brought on through the college experience. No one, and I mean no one, should let their future be dictated by the current challenges of society. Society’s needs change, the value of a good education does not. Here’s… Read more

Are You A Creepy CEO?

I recently read an article on being creepy in general. I’ll admit the headline grabbed me. As I started out to read a funny piece of web chatter, I really started to think about how many CEOs out there shared the same “creepy” qualities in an unintentional way. I decided to jot down three things I see CEOs do on a daily basis that could be construed as creepy. 1. Talk about appearances. Don’t be known as the boss who is always commenting on how people look. While you might… Read more

Business Owners… Are You Sleeping?

Business owners have to deal with a lot. There is the economy. There is the internal financial factor (are you making a profit?), and then there is the employee factor. A recent poll stated 23% of business owners lose sleep over employment issues at least once a week. Business owners have reported losing sleep over not being able to find the right employee, being worried about firing an employee who isn’t progressing, and/or not being able to afford the right employees. I’m here to tell you to stop worrying. I… Read more

Employment, The Process

I recently watched a video where an HR Specialist stated “it is a great idea to have a candidate do the job while interviewing to make sure they can do it.” In a perfect world this suggestion would solve all of our problems. But it could create many problems, too. Think of the confidentiality clause issues you may have! I would love to tell my clients (when interviewing a candidate) to throw him or her on a sales call or forklift. But what happens if they get hurt on the… Read more

Tough Interview Questions

It happens. You’re prepared for a big interview and then your tossed a curve ball. Before you know it, a question you were not prepared for is asked and you are stopped in your tracks. How do you handle this situation? First, let me say before you panic remember to remain positive. You don’t want to ever say anything negative about anyone else, a customer or your past employer. One curve ball question that is being asked a lot in today’s interviewing culture is this; “tell me about the worst… Read more

Leadership Passion……

I’m often asked about leadership. The topic is related to a variety of questions concerning how to hire the right people, when lack of experience is outweighed by educations, etc. While these are great questions, i’m usually more concerned about the people in leadership roles asking the questions. Leadership is about tapping into a company’s culture and moving it forward using subtle changes. It requires an internal dialogue and instinct to know what is right for the company and how to obtain it. And if you’re not passion about what… Read more

Be Amazing At Work.

  I know this is a CEO blog. Today’s post can be applied to any aspect of life, not just work. And you can be at any level of employment to utilize these tips.  I recently watched a video on employing powerful people in all positions.  I was inspired because companies are only as strong as their weakest ling.  Each person’s job is important and should be executed perfectly.  In life, your job as a quality human being is important and should be executed with dignity. So, how do you… Read more

Employment Expectations & Communication 101

If you are in charge of employees know that your ability to communicate is crucial.  Many people don’t exactly know how to communicate with employees, but can communicate with potential customers. Why is this? Well, I’ve decided to use today’s blog to point out the top three ways I feel basic communication between employer and employee can be improved. #1.  Focus your conversations on one issue.  Having a long meeting to discuss multiple topics sends a message that not a single topic is important enough to warrant its own meeting.  … Read more