The time has come to hire your first employee. Congrats. Now, what? While finding the right employee might seem simple- it isn’t. Each company has a different culture, which can impact standard duties and job requirements. Here are our tips for hiring the right first employee.
Start with not trusting your instincts. This is business, not friendship. Nearly 40 percent of all job applications and resumes include bogus or inflated facts when not accompanied by a firm like ours (which vets for this type of stuff). Trusting your gut when… Read more
You’re seeking work. You’ve tried everything. You’re frustrated. Don’t be. Sometimes we, as people, get caught up in our habits. While habits are good when it comes to finding work; we often forget to change our approach as the times change and new media evolves.
Here are my three simple tips to NOT finding a job. If you’re practicing one of them, pivot. Changing your job-seeking habits can mean the difference between finding a job or not. And, of course, contact us to help you research and connect with new… Read more
Yes, we can help you find and hire remote talent. The trouble with remote talent is sustainability. Are you able to keep remote talent engaged in what your company has to offer?
When hiring, you want to consider employees who have worked independently before. This rule will outweigh experience. People who are able to work independently without much instruction will be a perfect match for a remote workforce employee. If you have to train someone to work independently, the habit is not embedded and it can cause sustainability issues.
Be… Read more
Building Team Solutions is seeking the perfect person for a non-– profit project in Haiti. The Christian foundation is helping to rebuild Haiti with a state – of – the – art concrete block plant. So, how does this help Haiti? Well, it will bring job opportunities to Haiti and help create a concrete plant. Self-sustainment is the mission. The country is still struggling after the devastation three years ago. However, you don’t hear about this any further into days evolving and 24 hour news.
We are seeking a mission… Read more
We are all part of the daily grind. Regardless if we are seeking work, hiring employees, or are employees- we suffer from work-related and workplace stress. So, how do you combat this stress in order to function with accuracy and a pleasant demeanor?
First, understand it isn’t the end of the world. Whatever it is you are worried about in relation to work – it isn’t a death sentence. Things may be bad, but stay positive. I know, it is easier said than done but a positive mental attitude will… Read more
Ever hear someone state that they “hate” their job. Well, CNBC actually did a survey to see what the most hated jobs in America are. Here are the results;
1. Marketing Manager. People in this position cited “no direction” 98% of the time as far as the reason behind why they hate their jobs. A marketing manager is responsible for overseeing advertising and promotion. This involves developing strategies to meet sales objectives, based on the study of such factors as customer surveys and market behavior.
2. IT (Technical) Support. 87%… Read more
If you’re seeking your dream job, but feel you don’t have (or maybe have been told) the right experience, keep reading. While we here at Building Team Solutions help our clients realize what positions are the best matches for their skillset, we are always encouraging growth through career counseling and additional training.
In the meantime, here are 3 ways to land a job without experience;
1. Volunteer. Yes, volunteer. If there are no volunteer positions available, or have ever been created, for the job you want- ask.
2. Play leap… Read more
There are certain questions every employer is going to ask you about. Regardless of the type of work, your skill level or the type of position, these questions are essential to help employers get a better understanding of not only who you are but where you came from and why you left.
If you’re seeking employment right now then please continue reading. You should practice your answers to these questions to appear confident in your answers. Plus, if you find yourself stuck answering a question- you can address the issue… Read more
HR is predictable. However, we’ve noticed 3 HR trends that weren’t predictable, yet already started to happen in 2014. Below is the list of these 3 trends and why they are happening so early in 2014.
#1. Less Baby Boomers in the workforce. Yes, 2014 is going to be the year of the construction worker and the year of the IT worker. As a result, many people in their late 20’s and early 30’s are crossing over to the IT field with paid internships and competitive training programs being offered… Read more
The rule of thumb used to be that experience outweighed education. And, to an extent, this is true today. However, there is a shift in the thinking of many employers. Now, inexperience is valuable because employers can train their employees fresh out of school or entry into the field. They, so to speak, can mold employees how they want them to act and operate without having to break bad habits learned from other employers.
Employees usually have to perform more than one task when it comes to their company responsibilities.… Read more