Tagged as temp company texas

Personality Tests to Vet Candidates…Is It Legal?

It is no secret applicants tend to exaggerate (even outright lie) on resumes and application. As a result, personality testing has become a big part of today’s second-step employment screening process. Companies find a qualified applicant who does well on an interview, but then the applicant fails the personality test. Companies consider the personality test as a useful tool to weed out liars and those who might not fit within the company culture. But did you know how you conduct this type of testing can be illegal? It’s true. You… Read more

Tough Interview Questions

It happens. You’re prepared for a big interview and then your tossed a curve ball. Before you know it, a question you were not prepared for is asked and you are stopped in your tracks. How do you handle this situation? First, let me say before you panic remember to remain positive. You don’t want to ever say anything negative about anyone else, a customer or your past employer. One curve ball question that is being asked a lot in today’s interviewing culture is this; “tell me about the worst… Read more

Leadership Passion……

I’m often asked about leadership. The topic is related to a variety of questions concerning how to hire the right people, when lack of experience is outweighed by educations, etc. While these are great questions, i’m usually more concerned about the people in leadership roles asking the questions. Leadership is about tapping into a company’s culture and moving it forward using subtle changes. It requires an internal dialogue and instinct to know what is right for the company and how to obtain it. And if you’re not passion about what… Read more

You’re Almost Fired…..

Some people will tell you there are no signs provided before a person is fired. That is wrong. There are, in every company, three signs that signal you’re on the out and about to be fired. So, what are the signs? 1. You’re out of the loop. Yes, this is the biggest sign and it is usually accompanied by a gut feeling. If your responsibilities are dwindling, normal office banter feels awkward and people tend not to plan things when you’re around- you may be fired shortly. 2. New management.… Read more

Finding A Job; Why Experience Doesn’t Matter!

Finding a job no longer is about what experience you may or may not have. In fact, employers are looking for drive, passion and price point more than anything in today’s market.  In fact, experience might actually work against you when seeking a job. Why? Well, a recent report by Forbes magazine said, “Extensive experience presented without achievements and progressive successes may imply you just did the same thing over and over again without growth or improvement.” So, what if you have tons of experience? What if you loved what… Read more