Tagged as texas jobs

What Makes For A Great Employee?

Our company is in a unique position. We help companies connect with employees. And we help job seekers connect with employment. While our blog often stresses open positions, what companies can improve upon to retain employees, etc. – we’d like to use today’s blog post to cover the traits of great employees.  Some forms of unemployment can’t be prevented. However, poor performance can. Here are some tips to ponder over the Labor Day weekend when it comes to improving your employable game. Start with becoming more accountable. No one likes… Read more

This 4th of July Take Time For Yourself.

Being an executive is hard. No, I am not complaining. But, I am saying our current work culture is changing – and not always for the best. What I mean is that our social media accounts seem to be taking over our lives and leading to a 24/7 work day. I see people all the time having breakfast with their families and sending emails from their phones. Even better, the birthday dinner that is being multi-tasked with viewing a web presentation at work from an iPad. Where have our personal… Read more