The workplace is changing. People are working more and more from home. The rules of what is considered to be professional attire evolves daily and more people are finding themselves “relaxed” when it comes to office formalities. So, what about tattoos?

According to a 2010 Pew Research Center study titled Millennials: A Portrait of Generation Next, 38 percent of millennials (ages 18-29) have at least one tattoo. What millennials fail to remember, however, is that although they have the right to express their personal identity, the people hiring them are often from a different generation, and they might feel tattoos are socially unacceptable in the workplace.

Tattoos can still harm your chances for finding a job- even in today’s “relaxed” work environment. Hiring managers may not like your ink. Perhaps the hiring managers don’t feel it is appropriate for customers to have to look at your ink. I always recommend hiding the ink when seeking employment. Your tattoo may not be a problem for a potential employer, but you will not discover this until you are hired.

Don’t take a gamble and hope your potential employer is progressive and loves your body art. Cover it with make-up or bandages. If you have full sleeves, cover them up with sleeve covers. They do exist. I’m linking some of the best products to cover up tattoos below. Again, you might get hired and discover that your boss allows ink to be shown at work. But, until you know for sure- don’t allow your tattoo to cost you a job.
