Our staff at Building Team Solutions is aware of how valuable High Voltage Electricians and Power Plant Personnel are.  To define the basic elements of these positions, let’s review the key components.  Power plant electricians are responsible for installing and maintaining electric, pneumatic and hydraulic power plant equipment. They also run and repair all plant electrical and control systems such as AC and DC motors, transformers, station batteries and combustion turbine electrical equipment. But there is more to their jobs, as with any type of employment.


Our company helps other companies find and employ skilled electronics and power plant personnel. We look to connect employers with employees who have either certification or reliable on the job experience. For nuclear power plants we can research and connect those with a bachelor’s degree in engineering or in the physical sciences with the right company. It is all about the qualifications and matching the right employee with the right employer.

Electricity is required to maintain our underground transportation systems, and other large infrastructures. High Volt Electricians work specifically with 600+ wattage, making these men and women essential to keeping not only our lights on- but online banking, access to the Internet and even medical systems up and running.  There is a high-demand for these types of employees which is why our company will be dedicating more blogs to this field. Our goal is always to educate, recruit and provide training and networking.