As the premier staffing agency in Texas people often ask us what are the best ways to score a job during an interview. Well, tonight I would like to talk about the top five things you can do to NOT get the job. It is unfortunate that these five things are commonly practiced, too!

 #1 – Dress inappropriately. This mistake drives many employers crazy. I know today’s culture is a relaxed one but you are still applying for a job. Make sure you look presentable. Comb your hair, don’t wear too much makeup, iron your clothes and tuck your shirt in! It seems obvious but this mistake happens often. Even for jobs in the construction industry, try to wear a nice pressed pair of jeans with a clean shirt. First impressions still are lasting ones.

 #2. Acting nervous. This item is a tricky one. You don’t want to appear too confident and be mistaken as cocky or arrogant. But, you don’t want to show your nerves. Nervousness shows when you struggle to answer the questions completely and comprehensively.  Nervousness shows when you don’t smile or walk too quickly.  Practicing your answer and your approach is the best offense you have for battling nerves.

 #3. Thanking the interviewer for his or her time on the spot. Many people forget to say thank you at the end of the actual interview.  Everyone knows to send a thank you note after the interview, but it is important to thank the interviewer for his or her time right at the end of the actual interview.

 #4. Asking the wrong questions. Don’t show up to an interview ill-prepared.  Research the company, read any available press releases and don’t ask a question that is public information. This mistake will tell the job interviewer that you haven’t done your research. This can make the difference between selecting you or another, more prepared candidate!

 #5. Not having your resume or a copy of your original application on hand. We are all human. Sometimes HR departments fail to pass along resumes or lose applications. And, sometimes the interviewer will bring a second person into the interview. Show you are prepared and always carry two extra copies of your application and resume with you.

 Getting a job can be an easy mountain to climb if you have the right tools and know what mistakes to avoid.