As a staffing firm, we wish we could tell you that every aspect of the HR process is nothing but rainbows and sunshine. However, sometimes it is not. There are times that an offer of employment may look appealing when, in reality, it isn’t. You can turn down a job offer. We decided to publish the top three reasons to walk away from a job offer and continue your search. Here we go…..

#1.  The situation seems to good to be true.  Even people who love their careers will tell you there are days they hate their jobs. It happens to the best of us. If you receive an offer that sounds like a cake walk of a job where everyone gets along, the pay is great and the job description is blurred….. beware. No situation is ever going to be perfect. Ask about anticipated challenges when an offer is presented. If the answer is “none” then be concerned.

#2.  You’re hired, well presented with an offer, on the spot.  This is true for heavy management and/or responsibility positions.  Good employers review every single applicant and screen all the good ones on a face-to-face basis. If you’re offered a job right then and there at an interview the company may have a high-turnover. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about how long the last person stood in the position, why he or she is leaving and why the company is not promoting from within. These questions will tell you more about the situation.

#3.  The offer is a step down. Some people are willing to take more money for positions with less stature. While this move is understandable, it can harm your resume in the long run. Remember, money can always be earned. A quick solution to fast cash can lead to future problems. Do your research before taking a job that would be considered a step-down.