Building Team Solutions is about connecting qualified people with the right employer. Our blog always is offering tips on how to reward employees, find great employees, and so forth. But, what about your turnover rate- do you find yourself constantly seeking new employees? If so, why? It’s time for us to help you address a difficult topic.

If you’re treating all your employees the same, your not doing right by your company.  Why should one employee strive to produce more than another when the results and treatment by you will be the same? You have to reward people differently based on their productivity and quality of work.

Keeping people in the dark as to what is going on with your company, current bids, and goals will increase turnover. Employees prefer to be in the loop when it comes to the companies that they work for. If everything is top-secret in your company, and you prefer not to answer questions, there is a problem. Employees who have to work in a confidential position can and should sign an NDA, but the communication factor should still exist.

You also have to make a great impression. I know you’re thinking employees need to be the ones making a great impression, but just the opposite is true if you have an employee retention problem. If your turnover rate is high, ask yourself what may be going on. Employees who leave within the first 60 days of working for your company do so because they dislike the company’s culture. This can be a huge problem for you and it needs to be addressed immediately.

Keeping employees can benefit your company in so many ways. You can increase profit margins and receive break-through ideas that may lead to a landmark branding opportunity. Regardless of what industry you are in, learn to identify when employee turnover is becoming a trend and how to fix it.