Hiring someone can be a gamble. You have to screen the person, make sure his or her resume can be verified and hope that the person is really reliable.  Building Team Solutions helps minimize the risk for employers. But, to be safe, we are listing a few tips to ensure you final employee selection truly works outs.

#1. Know how to title the position you are hiring for.  Many people post the wrong job title and then don’t understand why they can’t find the right employee for the job. When hiring make sure you are as specific as possible.  Define how many persons need to be on the crew overall, and whether you need one, two, or more persons to work on specific areas of the project.  This will help you ensure that the construction workers you do hire have the skill sets needed. It will also bring you the right candidates for the job.

#2. Verify credentials.  If a person’s experience doesn’t feel right on paper and then he or she is having a hard time answering simple questions, do a background check.  Always stay within the law but make sure you always verify past employment and the gaps too.

#3.  Screen personality.  Someone once said to me that they didn’t care if the person had three sets of eyes on his face, as long as he could type.  Well, not being picky (as noted above) will lead to issues later down the road.  Someone may have gleaming references, fantastic experience but an aggressive personality.  If you screen someone who has a personality that doesn’t match your company’s culture- don’t waste your time with an offer of employment. You will be seeking to hire someone else again. Take your time and find the right candidate.

Hiring for construction positions is slightly different than hiring for administrative work. However, the same basic principals always apply.  Know who you are looking for, verify credentials and make sure he or she is a great overall match for your company!