Do you find yourself hiring often for the same position? When this happens more than three times in the course of two years the challenge becomes discovering what about the position (or your work culture) is causing the turnover.  Yes, it is possible that all the candidates were not a right match for the position,but then there are hiring mistakes being made.

We put together some tips to help you evaluate why you might hire often for the same position. If you find one or all of these tips to be familiar then consider how you can change the issue at hand.

1. You interview based only on a match of skill-set.

2. You’re not flexible with work schedules, PTO or changing what benefits are being offered.

3.  Praise is spread thin. After all, people are paid to do their jobs and perform them well, right?

4.  There is no reason to engage line level employees.

5.  Why discuss future positions when the employee seems disenchanted with his/her current one?