You landed a job. Now what? Starting a new job doesn’t mean you have impressed the employer. In fact, the employer is usually betting that you will not make it. Don’t get me wrong. They are hopeful. However, employees tend to start jobs on the right foot and then, after a month or, settle in to the thinking that he or she can’t be replaced.

To avoid this trap try the following these tips. Start them on day one of a new job and make sure you perform them every day for the first month, which will make each action a habit.

#1. Sleep. Yes, sleep. You need 8 hours of sleep every single night. Mom was right! Don’t sleep with the television on and shut down your cell phone. Re-energizing your brain through the right amount of sleep will keep you alert, detail orientated and prepared at work.

#2. Pack your lunch for the next day as soon as you get home from work. This is a time saver the next morning and one less thing to worry about. Note: Packing your lunch also saves you money!

#3. Set up a Google alert for your company. Check it daily. This will keep you one step ahead of other employees. You will have access to great company insight within the news world. You will always have something to talk about with your boss during those awkward pauses, especially the first month, and this knowledge will impress coworkers.

#4 If you don’t know something, ask. That’s right, ask! Pretending you know everything will catch up with you. Plus, employers really do like employees who ask questions. It shows the employees want to ensure the work is being done properly and there is no quick-handedness to make assumptions.

#5. Don’t be yourself. Remember, you’re at work to do a job. Resist the temptation to offer personal insights about your political or religious views. Most importantly, don’t share your social media accounts with coworkers are your boss. Keep this information private-period!