Where do you see yourself in five years? Try five minutes! While the end of a temporary contract can be a hectic and anxious time, it’s also an opportunity — especially if your aim is to transition into a full-time role. Here are a few tips to increase your staying power.

Take a Moment to Reflect

Benchmark your achievements and be able to point to ways you’re primed to continue contributing to the company. Your insider snapshot of the company allows you to speak directly to the organization’s pain points and the myriad of ways you can ease the pressure.

Make Your Intentions Clear

Don’t be afraid to state the obvious: Make it clear that you want to stay by scheduling a conversation with your local recruiter. Keep in mind that timing and tone can make all the difference. Raise the topic during less stressful periods of the workday — for studies show jurors routinely deliver more favorable rulings when they hear cases after lunch.

In terms of tone, be confident without being demanding. You understandably have a lot riding on the outcome of this meeting, so leave ample opportunity for your employer to respond during the conversation.

Be Proactive

In a hectic workplace, details like your contract expiration date can slip beneath the radars of your supervisor or colleagues. A simple check-in to ensure everyone knows when you’re available (and when your contract ends) demonstrates your commitment to keeping the team on task, while underscoring your contributions to the team.

Get Outside The Cubicle

Take a look at the company calendar for upcoming events outside the office. As long as they’re not “invitation only,” try to participate in social events and charitable activities. This is a great way to get to know your coworkers and, just as importantly, get them to know you. Socializing in settings outside of work allows colleagues to see you in a new light. Bonding on a personal level can turn co-workers who may be wary of your outsider status into advocates eager to sing your praises.

Practice Gratitude

You may just be passing through, but expressing how much you value the work experience you’ve had can leave a lasting impression. If your career focuses on a particular industry or is based in a certain region, there’s a good chance you’ll run into some of your colleagues again.

It’s good form to send a thank you note after a job interview. Why not say thanks at the completion of your contract as well? Based on the type of relationships you have built and the company culture, a thoughtful phone call, email, note or even a personalized basket of goodies for the office may be a great way to show your appreciation for the opportunity.

Finish Strong

Tie up any loose ends before you leave. While few co-workers will fondly recall the temp who was “adequate,” they may go out of their way to recommend the team member who stepped up to shoulder extra responsibility. Need proof? A candidate with a referral has a 40 percent better chance of getting the job than a candidate without one.

Beyond doing a great job, being a great co-worker can make all the difference. Don’t be afraid to seek out an opportunity — and never be above thanking those who give it to you. While contracts may come and go, your reputation is worth far more than any single paycheck.