I recently read an article on being creepy in general. I’ll admit the headline grabbed me. As I started out to read a funny piece of web chatter, I really started to think about how many CEOs out there shared the same “creepy” qualities in an unintentional way.

I decided to jot down three things I see CEOs do on a daily basis that could be construed as creepy.

1. Talk about appearances. Don’t be known as the boss who is always commenting on how people look. While you might be admiring someone, it can come across as flirting, making an advance or just being a straight out weirdo. While you might think everyone with Wendy Williams’ hair is beautiful, your employees may think you have an abnormal stalker thing for any employee or client who may resemble her.

2. Don’t get close to customers or employees. I knew a CEO who would have clients over to her house for wine. While this isn’t completely wrong, it is when the wine invitation is noted to start at ten at night. This CEO would have movie nights with clients and talk about the clients who didn’t attend her event. Note- you should have a personal life and a professional life and the two should never meet.

3. Have a public social media account. Again, read my rule #2. Your clients and employees will spy on your personal accounts so keep them on lock down. While you may think all ten of your cats are cute, it could come off as creepy. Remain a source of professional inspiration to everyone by keeping your personal photos, thoughts and opinions to family and personal friends only via social media.

Until next time,
Britanie Olvera, CEO