As the CEO for a staffing firm I am often asked what jobs are most in demand.  Right now High-voltage electricians are needed across the country. This answer is usually followed by “What type of training is needed?” I’m going to share the basic training qualifications required to work as a High-voltage Electrician. Note, these are the basics. You can always contact me for further insight or resources. And, I should state that the qualifications differ from state-to-state.

#1. Most states require a high school diploma. College certification is options but it always looks great on a resume. Electrician school or some type of fundamental training in electricity is needed, which again varies from state-to-state.

#2. You have to be in great physical condition. High-voltage electricians have a physically demanding job.  Weight training, jumping rope and eating right can help you prepare for the physical demands associated with this type of work.

#3.  Get to know your local union. Some companies can only hire union employees. Knowledge is power so make it appoint to become familiar with your local union and the benefits it offers to members. You will also want to contact your local government entity and   ask them what you will need to do in your state to become licensed.

Once you get through steps one, two and three you can start seeking an apprenticeship. I know some employees are eager to start working right away, and with the demand for these types of workers- it may be possible to find work without any experience and only a license or specific credentialing.  However, I suggest working as an apprentice  first. You will always learn things hands-on that can’t be taught in a classroom setting. Again, knowledge is power so try to work as an apprentice in this field first.

If you have questions about our work with placing High-voltage Electricians please ask. We are always willing and able to provide resources, information and potentially connect you with the right employer. 56