CEOs don’t always have it easy. In fact, CEOs hardly ever have an “easy” day at work. There is a lot of stress involved in running a company. And, if you are active in hiring people – the stress can double. How then do you get through a hard day? Let me share some of my tips and tricks.

First, I always do a good deed on a bad day. Not only are you helping someone else, you are picking your spirits up. If you are in bad interview after bad interview, take a break. Go buy a cup of coffee for yourself and the person behind you. Do something that involves a brisk walk and a random act of kindness. You will arrive back at the workplace with renewed energy and a more positive outlook.

Try not to be too optimistic. I really do love positive people. However, I try to remain realistic. Not everything is going to work out or work out smoothly. You will have days that challenge you or employees that have to be let go. Understand there is good in life and bad. The same goes for the work place. If you don’t wear rose colored glasses to the office then you can plan on how to navigate the bad times and celebrate the good times.

Give yourself a night off! CEOs and higher-management tend to manager their teams all day and then catch up on their own work (or personal items) at night. What a long, long day. Sometimes you just need to put selecting that candidate or financial report off until tomorrow. It is ok to sit on the couch and catch up on television every once in a while, especially after a bad day at the office.

How do you handle bad days? Let’s talk about it on Twitter!