I’ve discovered two types of people.  They are leaders and followers.  There is no in between. People don’t want to lead, they just do it. I’ve been amazed to read about all these leadership classes available online, in schools and within employment training programs. Leadership is like the ability to sing, you’re just born with it.  This said, CEOs tend to have different styles- but they all know how to lead!

Are you a leader? Here is how to tell;

You know how to identify a need for change.  In life or a work a need for change will happen. Maybe it is a change in the budget. Maybe it is a change in vendors or grocery stores. Maybe it is a change of location.  Natural leaders can identify a need for change and develop a plan to make it happen. Does this sound like you?  If you’re constantly having to analyze reports or ask others for their opinions then you’re probably not a leader, which is still ok. We all play different roles in life.

True leaders also manage change. Once a decision to make a change has occurred, a leader will execute the plan to make this happen. Failure to launch is a real thing. Some people dream of starting a business. Others talk about it. Leaders do it. Failure to launch stands between you and a goal. Failure to launch separates leaders from followers. To be a great CEO you can’t be afraid to launch. You can’t second guess yourself.

When you employee individuals you need to be able to lead. It is a plain and simple fact. Our services can provide the best candidates with the most qualified backgrounds. However, employees are only as good as their environment  I truly believe this. If an workplace is toxic the employee will not thrive. Production and/or numbers will slide. If you’re not leading an employee, he or she will look for another place of employment. It is our job as leaders to drive our ships. Are you driving yours?

Again, leadership is a natural ability. Classes may help but ultimately you will have to make decisions and be responsible for people. Are you ready to lead?  Find me on Twitter and let’s discuss!