One question we get asked a lot is how much information is too much information at work. Each company has its own culture and, outside of deviating from federal law, sharing can make or break you at work when it comes to fitting into the culture.

While it is always best to use your best judgement, you want to follow the following guidelines when it comes to creating boundaries within the workplace – either for yourself as an employee or for your employees as a manager / CEO.

1. Communicate what is tolerated. If someone tells a joke or says a remark that you dislike, let him or her know right away. Don’t not say anything and then fester about it outside of work. This will drive you crazy and the other person will not know you were offended. Saying something sets a boundary, which is why it is good to politely speak up.

2. Play the role of how you want to be treated. If you act like a slacker (always late, passing work onto others, etc.) then people will treat you like a slacker. If you act like a boss, you will be treated like one- even if it is your own unofficial title. You create the respect, or lack of, that you earn from others and this type of respect creates certain boundaries.

3. Change the conversation. If you find yourself put into the middle of gossip (or any other uncomfortable situation), simply change the topic of discussion. This slight move will create an unspoken boundary that you will not participate in any gossip within the workplace.

When you set boundaries the last thing you want to do is also set an uncomfortable tone Remember, be direct but polite and always treat others the way you want to be treated-despite any professional differences.