It doesn’t matter if you are a clerk, deliver the mail, run a Fortune 500 company or are a serial entrepreneur – stress can impact your health and stop the creative juices from flowing when it comes to working or even finding a job. But how do you stay stress free? I can help!

Start with an outline of the day. Don’t put times next to the tasks. Just note what tasks are priority and what tasks can be done by the day’s end. This will help you get a grasp on all of the day’s issues and what your responsibility level is. Knowing what is ahead of you will help you navigate the day with less stress.

Don’t look at personal emails until the end of the day. Personal emails can be distracting, even if they are funny or heartwarming. So, keep away from them while going about your day. Personal emails can cause you to respond, click on a link and so forth- which takes you away from the tasks at hand, ultimately adding to more stress when you try to makeup for time lost. If you have to set up a special filter for family and personal emails to avoid checking them throughout the day- do so!

Don’t listen to music. Music with a lot of lyrics can interrupt your critical thinking (especially while typing), so choose music that is more instrumental in nature. Or, shut off the music completely. Lyrical music will slow you down and add to your stress level.

Keep water and snacks with you. Having to get up to visit a vending machine or cafeteria to obtain a glass of water or bag of chips can add stress to your day. How? That’s easy. Most of us end up bumping into fellow co-workers while headed to the water cooler. These co-workers may be having a bad day and want to share it. Or, worse yet, want to share stories about their children’s soccer games, fights at school or something else that is completely not work related. Avoid this time cruncher, and stress magnifier, by reaching for a drink of water (or snack) from your bag.

These tips seem simple enough but they can make a huge difference when trying to remain stress free on a busy day!