Category CEO

Immigration Reform From A CEO’s Point of View.

Recently, the U.S. Senate passed an immigration reform bill. In fact, the New York Times published quite a big article on it.  You can find the article here:  As a CEO, the verbiage in the bill will impact my company- and possibly yours. Here’s why; Changes to the I-9 form have already happened. See the new one here:  The changes don’t really do more than confirm identify and verify a person’s right to work within the U.S. Before, these forms were basic but had to be completed on… Read more

How To Be A Great Startup CEO!

If you’re starting a business and will be its CEO then this post is dedicated to you. Congrats on mustering up the courage to take control of your own destiny, provide great products/services, and being able to employ others and provide for your community. Now what? Being a CEO requires amazing leadership, especially when you’re the CEO of your own company.  One of the many things you will be required to do is promote the vision you have for the company. You’re going to have to be a Spartan cheerleader.… Read more

This 4th of July Take Time For Yourself.

Being an executive is hard. No, I am not complaining. But, I am saying our current work culture is changing – and not always for the best. What I mean is that our social media accounts seem to be taking over our lives and leading to a 24/7 work day. I see people all the time having breakfast with their families and sending emails from their phones. Even better, the birthday dinner that is being multi-tasked with viewing a web presentation at work from an iPad. Where have our personal… Read more

Do you Know How To Fire Someone?

No one likes having to fire an employee- well, with the exception of Donald Trump. For the most, firing someone isn’t easy. It has to be done, but we are all human.  If you do have to let someone go, here are some tips to avoid really making a mess of the situation. 1.  Don’t make someone disappear.  It is bad for the employees who are staying. Good companies communicate and do so in a positive manner.  If you’re going to fire someone, explain to the rest of the employees… Read more

How to Say No to Bad Ideas.

Someone once said there are no bad ideas, just unexplored ones. Whoever said that didn’t know what he or she was talking about! I hear terrible ideas several times a month. In fact, there are bad ideas that can always be improved upon. However, what do you do when an employee has a terrible idea? What you should say is the opposite of no. Nope, not yes- but I’ll consider it. Saying the word no means you are not going to consider the idea. You should always consider the idea,… Read more

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Why CEOS Are Prone to It.

  CEOs are prone to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) not because they don’t get enough sleep, but because they spend most of their time at their desks.  According to The Mayo Clinic, “Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that can’t be explained by any underlying medical condition. ” And, CFS doesn’t improve with sleep! What causes it? Well, there are still studies being conducted but the preliminary results are linked to mental stress and strain- probably why so many CEOs have this! The reason why… Read more

SNL Office Skits!

Happy Saturday! It is no secret that Saturday Night Live (SNL) has been developing hilarious office skits for decades.  That’s why this Saturday I decided to take a break from my normal business blog to write about something different- the funniest SNL office skits. I have my favorites and I know you have yours. So, let’s take a look back. Share your own list with me via Twitter or Facebook! Britanie Olvera, CEO #1.  Bill Brasky at the airport bar. Who hasn’t witnessed someone like this during a business trip?… Read more

Don’t Hire Overly Qualified Candidates!

Experience can be a great thing when hiring an employee. In fact, I’ve discussed the chicken or the egg (AKA hiring experience vs. hiring ambition) several times and in many of my blog posts.  What I want to discuss today is why hiring an overly qualified candidate can be a bad thing. Now, we here at Building Team Solutions, agree that this subject is concerning.  With the economy being tough, more overly qualified candidates are having to take entry level jobs. And, in some cases this works out.  But there… Read more

Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person.

My company, Building Team Solutions, works with employers to help them find the right employee. But, what if you need to hire someone like now? You can’t wait to set-up with us (which we can usually accomplish within the same day,) or you just want to make a decision on hiring someone internally, and you have questions on which candidate to hire and which one to pass on. Here are some tips on how to avoid hiring the wrong candidate. #1. Job seekers are taught to break down your job… Read more

The Danger of Doing Everything Yourself.

I knew a lady who wouldn’t delegate work. She was afraid someone was going to “steal” her ideas or go to work for another company and share trade secrets. Besides having NDAs in place, she just couldn’t delegate her work, which is why her business is no longer a business. Delegating work and trusting others is a part of operating a business. Sure, not every employee or client is going to have the best intentions or work half as hard as you do. That’s a part of the game. Regardless,… Read more